Januar 2013
- Justin Bieber has been in the spotlight longer than many people already, and he's still only 18! His first single "One Time" was released back in 2009, and a lot has happened since then. But hey guys, did you like him better back in the days when he was young and cute, or do you prefer the young gentleman that he is today? Click on the pics for a short trip down memory lane, and vote!
- Justin Biber ist schon länger im Rampenlicht als viele anderen Leute bereits, und er ist erst 18! Seine erste Single "One Time" wurde 2009 veröffentlicht, und einiges ist seitdem passiert. Aber hey ihr, mochtet ihr ihn lieber früher, als er jung und süß war, oder bevorzugt ihr den jungen Gentleman der er heute ist? Hier eine kurze Reise durch die Vergangenheit - stimmt ab!
- Okay guys, we'll stop going on and on about Taylor Swift... Eventually. This is just way to interesting not to talk about. Taylor is trying to move on from her ex-boyfriend Harry Styles, and now she's got her eyes set on a new guy - who's not in to her at all. The newly single singer is trying to make her friend Jennifer Lawrence to set her up on a date with her co-worker, Bradley Cooper. But Bradley has recently laughed off the rumors of him dating Jennifer, since she's too young for him, and Taylor didn't have any better luck."Bradley has absolutely no intention of getting together with Taylor", an insider reveals. "First of all, her reputation precedes her. Bradley is very wary of dating someone who is a bit of a serial dater like Taylor. He thinks she’s far too young for him and wants to date someone his own age, not 16-years younger because he’s ready for something serious.", his friend continued. Poor Taylor, looks like she'll have to work a little harder...
- We've noticed how Sienna Miller's style has changed since she became a mom. Those bohemian dresses are long gone, and now she's mostly into floral prints and pink details. But what do you guys think, does she look amazing in her new girly style, or is it just a plain flop? You tell us! Click on the pictures for a closer look, and don't forget to vote!
- Victoria's Secret model Candice Swanepoel knows how to get fit - that's one thing that's sure. Now her personal trainer Justin Gelband has spoken out about how to tone your body just like her, and we really like the exercises. She focuses on the lower back, hip, butt, balance and stability while working out. As for her diet, she eats pretty much everything. She loves healthy food such as vegetables, proteins and a lot of water, but she also eats croissants, pizza and pasta, since she works out every day. Check out the video below for further inspiration!
- How about that, supermodel Kate Moss turns 39 yesterday! Happy birthday! One year from the big 40, and she still looks amazing. Kate has gone through both good and bad times during her career, but today she's healthy and happy. Click on the pics for a small walk down memory lane with Kate!
- Die gestrigen Golden Globe Awards zeigten die Hollywood Promis in allen erdenklichen Gala-Roben. Ein beliebtes Teil welches wir bemerkten war das geschlitzte Kleid, in welchem gleich 4 Promis auf dem roten Teppich auffielen. Aber wer denkt ihr sah am besten aus?
- Wir wissen ja alle wie das ist, an diesen faulen Sonntagen, wenn wir nicht die Energie haben Make-Up aufzulegen und Lust dazu haben den ganzen Tag in unsere bequemsten Klamotten einen herumzubummeln, oder ?! Und manchmal, geht es unseren Hollywoodstars genauso! Wir haben 6 Promis aus Hollywood aufgelistet, die von Zeit zu Zeit NEIN! zu Make-Up sagen...
- Dachtet ihr, ihr wisst viel über Justin Bieber? Nun denkt nochmal darüber nach! Wir haben gehört, ihr seid daran interessiert ihn näher kennen zu lernen. Deshalb haben wir alle unsere Informationen über ihn und seiner wundervollen Familie zusammen gesammelt. Möchtet ihr sie kennen lernen?
- Thought you knew a lot about Justin Bieber? Well think again! We've heard you're interested in getting to know him on a deeper level, so we've gathered all the info we have about him and his wonderful family. Wanna get to know them? Click on the pics and read all about Justin Bieber's family!
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