Leden 2013
- Looks like Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez' break up is becoming more and more dirty. We thought those two former teenage love birds would just be quiet about going separate ways, but that's really now how things went down. Selena recently sang Justin Timberlake's classic break up song "Cry Me A River" during a performance, and she told the audience that it "speaks to her". We think she performed it perfectly, but isn't it a little 2007 singing break up songs? Check out the video below!
- Podívejte se na úžasný model Seleny Gomez.
This post is one of many about cute designs by talented MeDolls. This time it`s queen197`s turn to take the limelight with her studded cross jumper. It`s simple but affective and I first stumbled accross it when she advertised her bazaar in my gb.She sells them in starcoins and stardollars and I think they are best worn with a colourful pair of tights and a pair of simple black boots. Hope you enjoyed,
- Julia Roberts has done it, as well as Rihanna and Emma Stone. Celebrities are leaving their natural hair color behind for the fiercely color of red. The six women in our list though, don't have to work the chemicals to achieve the hair color everyone else spend hours on a salon to get. These natural gingers love their fire-colored locks and so do we!
- The internet is a great tool. Whether you're bored, searching for something or using it for a school assignment, the internet can be extremely useful. With the introduction of interactive gaming sites such as Stardoll, young people all over the world join these types of websites. Whilst these sites can be fun, they have the potential to become dangerous. Here are a few tips to having fun, whilst staying safe on the internet.
Who else loves the Wild and Free look? Well here are a few accessories that keep you looking fresh!
- How hot didn't Ashley Greene look in her all-leather outfit the other day? The leather peplum top and the leather shorts were perfectly matched together, very well done Ash!
- We spotted Britney Spears (without her engagement ring!) make a few errands in Los Angeles and she looked really cute in a peach colored dress and brown leather boots. Brit recently called off her engagement with fiance, Jason Trawick and we've been a bit concerned since then. The pop star's track record of break-ups is... Well, disastrous! You know exactly what we mean. Her split from Justin Timberlake launched a period of crazy partying and after K-Fed she went commando! The pictures of a bald Britney attacking a car with an umbrella are, to say the least, difficult to forget. However, Britney looked great yesterday so keep your head up Brit and you'll be just fine!
- A combination that never seems to go wrong is the combo of black and gold. Especially during award season we see these colors going very well together on dresses worn by the biggest stars. Some of the celebrities who clearly agree with us are Kate Hudson, Selena Gomez and Beyonce since all three of them has been spotted wearing outfits in the two colors. Check out the photos and tells us who you think wore the combo the best!