Juli 2011
Interviws mit lafeegirls (15)
Hast du ein lieblingsladen in stardoll ? nein
Was hälst du von stardoll ? ich finde das wirklich cool, ich liebe es
Was ist das beste für dich an stardoll ? hmm alles
Interviw mit GoldenIsabelle ( 11 )
Hast du ein lieblingsladen in stardoll
Auf jeden Fall LE
Was hälst du von stardoll
Ich finde es Sehr toll
- Marilyn Monroe, Elvis Presley, James Dean. These are people who often show up on our shirts—their mugs do anyway. And we love it! They were accomplished stars who had large followings and still do to this day. Need we remind you of Andy Warhol’s famous Marilyn pop art? Didn’t think so. Now it doesn’t take as much to get your face plastered all over clothing. Tween stars are featured on clothing line after clothing line. That’s all fine and dandy to us—little boys and girls love it! But we found a dress that we’re not so sure about…
- Hallo zusammen! Heute möchte ich euch zwei Outfits zeigen, die mit den 4000SP-Frisuren entworfen wurden!
- Seit heute gibt es ein neues HotBuys auf Stardoll: Ein grauer Mantel von Nicholas K..
Photo: Courtesy of Free People
Every month, we check our mailboxes impatiently for several items: ELLE (duh) and the Free People catalog, among other things. In each edition, the boho brand manages to hit upon a look that is totally right-now yet also completely unique. For July, the stylists went down-home, grundgy western, traveling to Austin, Texas to shoot the models in an edgy country style.
- Jennifer Aniston recently appeared on 'Inside the Actors Studio' and for the first time ever, she revealed how exactly it was she got into comedy acting. Believe it or not, it wasn't some life long dream of hers! It was actually just her natural way of dealing with sadness, particularly her parents' divorce.
She explains, "It was pretty crappy. I came home from a birthday party and he was moved out. It was pretty abrupt. Sure, your dad leaves and disappears for a while, that’s pretty brutal. But that’s sort of the beauty of it. Like I said, I would never exchange any of it… Me making people laugh, finding the humor in things, trying to lighten up the mood between disgruntled parents, getting attention… It sort of was a survival technique.”
We're glad Jen managed to turn her lemons into lemonade! Just imagine how different "Friends" would have been without her. Aaah, we don't even dare to think about it!
Es wird Zeit Eure Füße zu schmücken, denn stardoll hat einen neuen Shop eröffnet. Er heißt Tiptoe und erstreckt sich über 3 Etagen.
Bei ihm könnt Ihr allerlei verschiedene Aufkleber für Eure Füße erstehen.
- Hallo zusammen! In Stardoll könnt ihr nicht nur eure MeDoll und Nägel stylen, sondern sogar auch (seit heute) für eure Füße!
- Hallöchen, viele haben mich gefragt, wie man den Pony macht. Deshalb habe ich hier mal ein kleines Tutorial für die, die wissen wollen wie das funktioniert. :)
Beitrag: "Haartipps"Wheyla
Beitrag: "Stardoll Academy?"