

Mortal Kiss Weekly Creative Writing Contest Winners

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Mortal Kiss The Online Reading Adventure may have ended...
...but Stardoll keeps the Creative Writing Alive!

For some Mortal Kiss Club Members a Black Wolf left a message in their Suites!

Stardoll MK Club members got creative and told us How they went Missing from Winter Mill's ever dwindling Population!

First Place Winner:

” ...And then the horn filled the room. The same second I heard the howls, my body was filled with pain, my head, my arms and legs. My body twisted and changed, not knowing what it was that happened to me I screamed, shocked by the sound of a howl escaping my lips...I don't want to be like them..."

Click the Image to Read Vilde.H's Full Blog Entry!

Follow these exciting Tales with a New Winner Every Week On Stardoll!


