381408166 DEL
Reviews?! đ
Let's start off the blog with a smile đ
When stardoll impresses me with one of their wonderful releases, I often like to review it. But I would like to address to you all how to understand my reviews, as they are not your typical review, before I post one.
When I say Ingredients, I mean the items featured in the outfit above. For example;
đ Blue Rebel Cap
Additional Ingredients:
These are items of clothing/decor which I also really liked but didn't buy, or if I did buy them, that particular item isn't mentioned in the outfit above. For example;
đ Aerin Velvet ClutchLikes:
This is one of the easier things to understand in my reviews. These are the thing(s) which I really like about the certain shop/release.Dislikes:
This is also pretty easy to understand. These are the things which I dislike about the collection. There often aren't too many, and when there are, it is very minor.Overall Rating:
This is my overall rating of the collection, rated out of five. Many collections get a four or a five. This is often represented as symbols. An example would be:
đ đ đ đ đ / đ đ đ đ đExpect reviews, coming soon!
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