- This time I turned to Instagram to get inspired, and I so did! I spotted two lovely...
Stardoll Admin
- We want to see your Valentine looks! What's more important! Hair, make up or fashion? Upload your videos to YouTube and #stardoll and we will add them to our playlist!
Editor-in-chief Lovegossip4life just released the first issue of Haute Magazine.
Вам всегда хотелось рассказать о себе в интервью? Или вы мечтаете о том, чтобы задавать свои вопросы интересным людям? Тогда вас наверняка заинтересует блог On Earth. Мне нравится его идея (иначе я бы о нем не стала говорить). Но никакой проект не продержится долго без вашего интереса и поддержки.
It is summer and luckily, time is one of those things we have in endless amounts. Stardoll is a wonderful place to express your creativity and uniqueness (in all forms). Today I am honored to educate you about an interesting online short series written by a talented Stardoll member themselves: 'Chronicles of Cora'!
Hello, everyone! I have not been present on Stardoll for some time, but I want you all to know that I have happily returned. School is out! How about that? Another year has gone by and we can finally relax and have some fun (in the sun)!
Melanoma is the most dangerous type of skin cancer. It is the leading cause of death from a skin disease. Long-term exposure to high levels of strong sunlight can cause Melanoma. One or more blistering sunburns during childhood is another. I am not publishing this post to scare you, but instead, to make you aware.
If you have five minutes, please watch this video below. Have a very happy summer, and enjoy the sun whenever possible. Just please, apply some 'SPF' when you do:
Популярная статья…: "Большие возможности!"SomeBrandy29
Популярная статья…: "Fashion Criticism"