- Check out today's Superstar Doll -- she gots Sk8r Skillzzzzzz ---
- Angelina Jolie's dedication to her humanitarian work as an Ambassador of Goodwill for the UN has earned her the respect of millions of fans!
- She has been hiding under baggy T shirts and loose jeans for months now, but Penelope Cruz can't deny her growing bump anymore! Her rep has just confirmed that she is four and a half months pregnant! The father is Penelope's new husband and long-time partner Javier Bardem of course! We are so happy for them and so glad she has finally admitted the truth! Good luck Penelope we wish you all the best! (Source: USMagazine)
- Chace Crawford isn't the only Hollywood hunk who spent time in Deauville, France, this week! High School Musical star Zac Efron was there yesterday to promote his new movie 'Charlie St. Cloud' and for those of you who haven't seen the trailer yet, check out the clip ! We can't wait!
- Justin Timberlake is still shooting scenes for his movie "Friends with Benefits" and we spotted him on the beach in Los Angeles and looking cute in a wet suit! We had no idea Justin had it in him to be an action man, but he looks totally in control on jet ski!
- How cute do Kevin Jonas and Nick Jonas look in their softball outfits! The boys took part in a charity ball game a the Roger Dean Stadium in Florida yesterday and especially Nick looked like he was kicking some serious butt on the field! Is there anything he can't do?!
- Cute couple alert! Friends of Rachel Bilson and Jake Gyllenhaal's have leaked to the press that these two stars have been dating and are really into each other! Rachel is recently single again after her broken engagement with Hayden Christensen, so she wants to keep her thing with Jake quiet until she knows where its going, but they are definitely seeing each other and its going well! We think could be a great match, don't you? (Source: Wenn)
Stardoll Admin
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Первый совет
Одно из самых важных правил для роскошного наряда(мое правило номер один) – это найти что-то , в чем ТЕБЕ комфортно и удобно самой. Не беспокойся о том, что скажут или подумают твои друзья или тот самый молодой человек(а такой всегда найдется). Выбери то, что нравится тебе и им это тоже понравится.
Я надеюсь,вам понравился мой сегодняшний совет! Не забудь заходить сюда за советами от Лиз ;)
С любовью,
- GQ Magazine in London held their annual Man of the Year Awards last night and as usual the event was packed full hot male celebrities and a few lovely female stars too! Mad Men hottie Jon Hamm won the big award, he was named International Man of the Year, while Gossip Girl's Ed Westwick won the breakout star award. Giorgio Armani was given the honour of designer of the year and Gemma Arterton is GQ's woman of the year. Take a look at what everyone was wearing below!
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