Всем привет! Приношу извинения, что давно не писала статей. Я обещаю исправиться. Сегодня хочу рассказать о еще немногих русских коллекционерах.
Hi everybody!
Since we're at the final 12-day stretch until christmas, I was going to ask you guys: What is your favourite holiday store? My personal favourite would have to be the Dior Holiday Tribute store.
Hey everyone! I just wanted to wish all of you a great holiday and winter season (Unless you're in the sothern hemisphere, in that case, have an awesome summer).
I created some holiday/winter themed makeup looks.
Have an awesome winter!
It's the holidays season so if your stuck on ideas for gifts then here are some that might help!
Привет читателям старблога!
Сегодня я расскажу вам о стиле New Look.
- Hello guys! After last times post, I got many responces. Thanks for all!
Before and After, and Natural Beauties. The two choices! I will give a Natural Beauty of the post, with a tip or two, but I will be giving a natural makeover with a themed one too.
I hope you like this idea. Now, A L O T of you have asked to be in my first post, but Im sorry, I just cant get everyone in but I have been making lists so you might get a turn! :)
So, I have had quite alot of you wanting to be my natural beauty...
SpeakNow. is a very natural member with just a little bit of makeup. I think she is a perfect example of how being natural can be beautiful!
- Hi there, Dollies!
Although I have a loooong list of potential Dream Suite-rs lined up and ready to be posted, Mette.Stardoll and I thought that this week we could ask our Royalty members if they could recommend an amazing suite for us. And in the spirit of thinking of others during this holiday season, the recommendations could not be a Royalty member. Boy, did we find a lot of amazing suites!
This week's Dream Suite was recommended by Mystic_Darkness (who also has an amazing suite). Mystic_Darkness had several great suggestions, but out of those I chose linda-puus from Norway and I am so excited to share this suite! I love the color and the candy-coated, dream-like state of each room.
Check out the images below, then head on over for a visit to the suite of linda-puus!
Привет, читатели старблога! В этой статье я хочу представить 2 наряда - на день, и на вечер, используя многими нелюбимый цвет - розовый.
Всем привет.
Сегодня речь пойдёт о тёмной моде - не о готике, а просто о нарядах, составленных из тёмной одежды. Они не покажутся вам мрачными, так как в каждом есть предмет одежды, разбавляющий эту темноту.
Привет, читатели старблога!
Сейчас вы посмотрите вторую часть Новогоднего выпуска Модной Лихорадки. Не застала первую часть? Не беда! Пройди по ссылке:
Популярная статья…: "Большие возможности!"SomeBrandy29
Популярная статья…: "Fashion Criticism"