This look is from the gorgeous FashionablyLate:
The look is very simple and has a girly style - but that's why I love it! Keeping things simple is one of my favourite motto's when making outfits for myself, and I'm glad to see others go with that too!
- Hi there guys, thankyou for all the lovely comments last time, Im really glad you like the look a likes. Next week im going to do celebrities of your choice, so dont be afraid to ask me who you would like me to 'stardolliform' :D
The outfits
Hello gorgeous *and handsome dollies! It was brought up to my attention from many male Stardoll users thought most of the StarBlog was focused around female mdolls, and that it doesn't give the male stardoll population a chance to become inspired by other male medolls. I decided to piece together a group of very talented Stardoll boys, with STUNNING medolls! Here they are;
Hello, so this look featured today is from the stunning Marianela-:
Brights are one of my top trends from the past few seasons, but I've never been brave enough to even attempt them here on Stardoll, but this girl has - and has been amazingly successful!
- I'm sure that you've noticed a change within the star-plaza , many of our favorite shops have been revamped . I'm in-love with "It Girls" Formerly known as Stardoll girls, aside from it's catchy name and beautiful girly logo I love the new clothing being added daily to this shop.
- It's just gone 10am and the sun is shining. You're walking towards the market place. You feel the heat of the sun. You see the celestial blue sky. You hear chatter amongst people in the distance. BANG! Someone has just drenched you with their coloured-filled gubara. Now your favourite DKNY dress is covered in red-pink coloured water - bura na maano Holi hai - no offence, it's Holi!!!
Привет, куколки! :)
Хех, бурно вы отреагировали на мою статью про Подиум, поняла, что больше не стоит писать на эту тему. Хм, что же я бы хотела рассказать вам сегодня? Ох, поверьте, это будет что-то невероятное! :) Для начала, один вопрос - Вы любите листать модные журналы? Если ДА, то наш проект вам точно придется по вкусу!
- Just last week I recieved the joy of recieving a iPhone. With a long, cluttered list of apps on my 'To Buy' list, I immediatly went for the Stardoll-based app called 'Cut it!'
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