Spotlight MVP of 2017 is... GOONIES4VER
The Spotlight page is a great tool for inspiration and showcasing the talent pool within the Stardoll community.
However, there are discrepencies that don't go unnnoticed. Cheating for votes and likes is wrong, and puts creative and talented members in the community at a disadvantage.
...And that is why, I want to shine the spotlight on the most (underrated) valuable player, and regular Spotlight butterfly of this year...
Goonies4ver has the best sense of humor, which she effortlessly expresses visually through her Spotlight entries and Suite rooms.
Granted, I have a soft spot for storytellers, but her creative presence in the community is one that is deserving of the MVP title.
Her entries are always a joy to behold, and available to be seen on the Spotlight page!
Visit goonies4ver today to give this honest and creative player your support.Tell me, who are your Spotlight favorites?
Written by AllDolledUp
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