Сентябрь 2010
- Hey Stardoll, It's Isobel here from NYC! Read about my daily fashion week adventures including Fashion's Night Out...
Hello readers! How have you been? Before I write about my new project I wanna show you the list of 10 Best Dressed girls of "M by Marcela" party. Aren't tehy great? Go to the blog mbymarcela.blogspot.com to see who are the girls.
- How cute do Kevin Jonas and Nick Jonas look in their softball outfits! The boys took part in a charity ball game a the Roger Dean Stadium in Florida yesterday and especially Nick looked like he was kicking some serious butt on the field! Is there anything he can't do?!
- Last year just before New York Fashion Week, the queen of fashion Anna Wintour launched "Fashion's Big Night Out" one night where all the major New York boutiques and shops were open for business until 11pm and of course there was a party in every shop packed full of models, designers and celebs! It worked out so well, that this year, London decided to copy the idea.
- Cute couple alert! Friends of Rachel Bilson and Jake Gyllenhaal's have leaked to the press that these two stars have been dating and are really into each other! Rachel is recently single again after her broken engagement with Hayden Christensen, so she wants to keep her thing with Jake quiet until she knows where its going, but they are definitely seeing each other and its going well! We think could be a great match, don't you? (Source: Wenn)
- Chanel designer Karl Lagerfeld held a big party in New York City last night to celebrate the opening of Chanel's funky new boutique in Soho. All Karl's favorite celebrity fashionistas were there, like Diane Kruger, Alexa Chung and Rachel Bilson, all in head to toe Chanel of course! Who do you think looks the best in the iconic brand's clothing though?
Who: Lisa Mettier
What: Offset the romance of a lace top with menswear-inspired pants.
Wear: vintage top, belt and sunglasses, Zara pants, Ferragamo shows, Topshop bag
Photo: Courtney D'Alesio Think you are Street Chic? E-mail us your photo and you could appear in ELLE.com's Street Chic Daily. Follow ELLE on Twitter. Become our Facebook fan!
- Kim Kardashian styled up her Hannah Marshall with a clear belt for a magazine party in Los Angeles recently, but Kristin Cavallari wore this dress first and with matching heels. Which reality TV girl do you think wore it best?
Stardoll Admin
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Для начала хочу сказать вам всем огромное СПАСИБО за то, что вы зашли на нашу страницу на Stardoll и начали читать про наши приключения в Винтер Милл.
В этом разделе я бы хотела писать о моде, потому что я ее обожаю. В первой части этого блога я расскажу , как выбрать потрясающий наряд для вечеринки ,а вы можете прокомментировать и оставить ваше мнение и модные секреты. Правда, круто? ;)
Так вот, переходя к делу:
Первый совет
Одно из самых важных правил для роскошного наряда(мое правило номер один) – это найти что-то , в чем ТЕБЕ комфортно и удобно самой. Не беспокойся о том, что скажут или подумают твои друзья или тот самый молодой человек(а такой всегда найдется). Выбери то, что нравится тебе и им это тоже понравится.
Я надеюсь,вам понравился мой сегодняшний совет! Не забудь заходить сюда за советами от Лиз ;)
С любовью,
Популярная статья…: "Большие возможности!"SomeBrandy29
Популярная статья…: "Fashion Criticism"