

The StarBlog Diaries: Fashion.Eliza

În urmă cu 60 luni

Meet Eliza (aka: Fashion.Eliza), a 24-year-old Dutch member from the Netherlands, that works as a communications assistant in social media. During her free time, Eliza hangs out with friends, enjoying a good party or night out, and her favorite hobby is interior decorating.

Tell us about your Stardoll journey!

"I used to play dress-up on Paper Doll Heaven. As a tiny fashionista, this was my little escape on the computer. When I returned, it turned into Stardoll. I’ve been playing since 2007, but I’ve had this account since 2009. As for my username, Eliza is my name and I wanted to incorporate fashion into it.

The thing I come back for at the moment is the social aspect of Stardoll. I remember the good old days when the most you could pay for a piece was 60 SD. Back then, it was a lot of money. When I was younger, Stardoll was the absolute IT game. All my friends played Stardoll, so we had our own little online community.

The Dutch community was HUGE back then. Especially due to some Dutch club, which was part of a Dutch magazine. I’ve met a lovely girl on Stardoll, who I have seen a couple of times. We were each other’s online best friends. Fun fact: we actually do look alike a bit, almost like sisters. You do actually see people from such a big variation of countries on Stardoll. Every time I see an unfamiliar flag, I always visit their profile to find out where they’re from."

 Let's talk culture! Tell us about your background.

"I wouldn’t want to say that I’m a big world traveler, but I have been fortunate enough to have seen a lot of countries in my 24 years on this planet. My parents took me on some amazing holidays and I’ve traveled for my studies. I love different cultures and meeting people from other countries. Currently, I’m speaking/writing in five different languages, which are Dutch, English, German, French, and Spanish. I’ve learned most at high school and when I went to university/college. started out studying fashion management. Loved my studies, but during my internship, I realized that I’m not the best fit for working in fashion. So after my bachelor degree, I did a regular master in marketing and management.

The Netherlands is a very small country, but one of the richest and most happy countries in this world. We are a very tolerant and accepting country and usually very welcoming to people from other countries. Most people in the Netherlands speak another language as well, as only two small countries in the world speak Dutch. You’ll see a lot of countryside in the Netherlands and a lot of water. 

People are very direct, which kind of scares foreigners but it’s something we’re very used to. We think our cities are very big, but compared to other metropoles in the world, it’s the size of a villa. I appreciate that we are a very free country. Everyone can have their own opinion and lifestyle. I dislike the ever-changing weather, especially rain. Most of our country consists of artificial land. People in the Netherlands have always been very innovative, so most of our land just consists of human-build piles of sand. Most of the land also lies beneath sea-level."


Describe your style and fashion influences!

"My source of inspiration for my style is usually Kylie Jenner. I know most do, haha. Oh and I love a Dutch influencer, her name is Romy D’Fonseca. I draw inspiration from her outfits as well. I love Chanel and Dior, but I appreciate brands as Balenciaga as well. My favorite SD stores are the tributes and Subcouture."

My advice: Be kind and do you. Don’t listen to what anybody might have to say about your doll. It’s your way of expressing yourself.


To keep up with Fashion.Eliza house renovations follow her Instagram: @petitpalaisnl. 

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