


În urmă cu 68 luni

Why do I feel like that?
Why are my thoughts are wrong?
Why is every day cold?
Why do I feel alone?
I try to find help to god

But I have faith in nothing
But I believe nothing

I see the light in the walls
and I turn the lamp off
The darkness is more like me

There is silence
There is peace

There is nothing
There is everything
There is unseen chaos

That's my thought,
That's me,
That's how I feel

I am following my black billy goat
And I have to choose
But every choice is wrong
I am wrong
But what does that mean?

Why are my thoughts so complicated?
Why do I see in your light your darkness?
Why can't I see in my darkness my light?

Why do I live?
But what does live mean?
I don't feel alive,
but I don't know what that means

Or maybe my life is your death
and my death is your life.
But who has right?
The god decides
But I can deny


