Janeiro 2013
Como já devem saber pelos media, a Kim Kardashian espera o seu primeiro filho do rapper Kanye West. Eu, que sou obcecada por moda, acompanho na Fox "Keeping up with the Kardashians" e já era certo e sabido que a Kim pretendia ser mamã e estava preocupada com o facto de, com o crescer da idade, os óvulos e as possibilidades de engravidar sejam cada vez menores.
- A lot of well-known actors and artists have made the wise decision of being proud of who they are and who they love. We’re talking about the celebrities who've been brave enough to take that fearsome step out of the closet and admit that they’re gay! They have inspired so many people with their actions and their message couldn't be any clearer. Be yourself no matter what the world says!
- This cannot be happening! One of Hollywood's greatest and most successful actors, Leonardo DiCaprio recently told a German magazine that he's going to take a break from acting! "I am a bit drained", Leo told the magazine. "I'm now going to take a long, long break. I've done three films in two years and I'm just worn out. I would like to improve the world a bit. I will fly around the world doing good for the environment."We totally understand that he is exhausted after working so hard for so many years but we hope this is just as he claims, a temporary thing. He is one of our favorite actors and has been in some of our favorite movies of all time so what Hollywood would look like without him, we can't even imagine. We already miss you Leo!
- Justin Bieber has been in the spotlight longer than many people already, and he's still only 18! His first single "One Time" was released back in 2009, and a lot has happened since then. But hey guys, did you like him better back in the days when he was young and cute, or do you prefer the young gentleman that he is today? Click on the pics for a short trip down memory lane, and vote!
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A lenda de hoje são os The Beatles, escolhidos por votação. Espero que gostem!
Olá! Este post pertence à rubrica "Não é preciso atravessar meio mundo". Hoje decidi falar dos Linda Martini por sugestão da MorangawLady.
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Como ser um sucesso na pele de Fashion Blogger?
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Quem não gosta de rir? Rir até doer a barriga?
- Continuando com as dicas sobre como usar os itens indicados neste artigo...
Artigo em destaque: "10 anos de Stardoll, 5 de Starblogue"MelanieCo.
Artigo em destaque: "Encontrarmo-nos a meio de uma pandemia"miss_vilarelho28
Artigo em destaque: "PERGUNTAS A UMA DESIGNER DE MODA"Spoiled
Artigo em destaque: "Voltei!"