Janeiro 2013
- True Friendship is unfading, it's the nudge on your shoulder when you've overstepped it's the one who will be completely honest when you've messed up yet help you fix whatever the issue may be. A true friend is always there even when you're away a true friend doesn't come and go they come and stay. I often say that true friends are like Rare Jewels, they're beautiful to have yet hard to find and so very valuable...
- Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson has been all about each other ever since their brief split this summer. But now things are getting rough again, since RPatz is moving to Australia for a while, to film his new movie The Rover. "He'll be gone a long time, and Kristen is upset", a close friends tells."She can't stand the thought of some woman getting her claws into him. Rob wants her to stop being so needy and jealous", continues the friend. We hope they can keep up their relationship anyhow!
- It's that time of year again, where we have to kiss our summer holidays good bye and say hello to the new school year. Whether you're starting grade three, high school, or even your graduate year, I'm here with a few tips that will make early wakeup's & homework easier for everyone. (:
E por fim, a última peça de essenciais a ter no guarda-roupa: o vestido preto básico. Existem alguns modelos no plaza que podem interessar-vos, percam uns minutos e procurem ;)
Stardoll has recently released a new collection for Basics Decor! I must say all items are just fabulous and affordable for both Superstars and Non-Superstars. As you all know, Basics is priced with Starcoins only which makes it easier for Non-Superstars to purchase these items.
- No meu post anterior eu coloquei uma questão - “Existem extraterrestres?” - e alguns dos comentários falavam sobre o aspeto físico deles, se é que existem. Então neste artigo eu gostaria de saber a vossa opinião sobre como serão estes seres fisicamente.
- We've noticed that Kelly Osbourne and her soon-to-be husband looks A LOT like another former Hollywood couple, better known as Katy Perry and Russell Brand. Kelly's haircolor, her fiancé's long hair, his rock 'n roll look. Everything feels very deja vú to us! Yea, it might just be a coincidence, but it can also be a new copy cat couple. What do you think? Click on the pics to see the similarities, and vote for what you think!
- We guess you guys know yesterday was the National Hug Day. Or well, maybe you didn't, but it really was. Therefore we've kept our eyes open for hugging celebrities, and we spotted plenty, such as Harry Styles! Click on the pics and check out ten celebrities that show their love in public!
Olá amores! Ainda se lembram da lista de essenciais? Ficaram a faltar alguns itens...
- In today's post I'll be featuring a medoll who's suite & doll are dedicated to the Hunger Games trilogy, written by Suzanne Collins. I can't believe the detail this doll's put into her suite, & I'm sure all HG fans' will agree with me - Miss.Mockingjay really does deserve a round of applause.
Artigo em destaque: "10 anos de Stardoll, 5 de Starblogue"MelanieCo.
Artigo em destaque: "Encontrarmo-nos a meio de uma pandemia"miss_vilarelho28
Artigo em destaque: "PERGUNTAS A UMA DESIGNER DE MODA"Spoiled
Artigo em destaque: "Voltei!"