Novembro 2012
It's that time of the year again :-) Thanksgiving has passed and Christmas is just around corner, Have you thought about what you would like to receive for Christmas?
- We spotted Nicole Scherzinger leaving restaurant Nobu in Mayfair, London. She was - as always - looking absolutely fab. Hair, make up, clothes - ten points to Nicole for looking this amazing!
Em 1939, época da Segunda Guerra Mundial, o governo inglês decidiu imprimir pôsteres para acalmar a população. A ideia era imprimir três cartazes que seguissem o mesmo padrão de design: duas cores, uma frase impressa em fonte elegante e um desenho da coroa do rei George VI, à frente do país na época. Três versões foram enviadas à gráfica.
- Christmas. It`s less than a month away. I am going to start a seiries of Christmas posts but I need your help. I want to know your fondest Christmas memories. Maybe it`s helping bake the Christmas cake for the first time or maybe it`s getting the lead role in your schools nativity play. Whatever it is post in comments and you may get featrured in the StarBlog.
- Olá, queridos leitores do Starblogue! Eu sou a MJmadethis e sou a mais recente starblogger.
- Originally from Windows on the World, the tag says "Shoes Inspired By Carin Wester", selling only in starcoins. Below are the shoes on Stardoll, and then the real-life version.
- Quite predictable, but hey! It's Her Minajesty herself, what did you expected? The singer donned a pink suit, black and pink print blouse and pale pink Giuseppe Zanotti platform heels when she attended at the Queens Center Mall on Thursday in preparation of the Thanksgiving holiday. She completed the look with pink hair and pink lipstick. Nickilicious! Wha'ts your opinion of this outfit?
- Blue is such a rich color, and it can be a great color to incorporate to your outfits. With so many different tones of blue, you can combine versatile pieces to create a masterpiece. Light baby blues, ceruleans, royal blues, there is a wide variety. Below, are two paired outfits based around blue itself.
You want to give your doll a more realistic look?
Then this maybe is something for you!There is 6 steps for you to follow:
- As teenagers, I'm sure we've all exprienced mood swings. In this post, I will be talking about the good and the bad about mood swings and why our moods change very frequently at certain times.
Artigo em destaque: "10 anos de Stardoll, 5 de Starblogue"MelanieCo.
Artigo em destaque: "Encontrarmo-nos a meio de uma pandemia"miss_vilarelho28
Artigo em destaque: "PERGUNTAS A UMA DESIGNER DE MODA"Spoiled
Artigo em destaque: "Voltei!"