- Watch out London fashionistas, soon a new style icon is coming to town! Sources are reporting that Rihanna is currently turning London upside down in search for the perfect bachelorette pad! She's put her assistants on a 24/7 hunt and is reportedly very keen to make the move. She tells Britain's News of the World, "I spend more time over there (in London) than I spend in L.A., and that's where I live. London is more like my home." We think Europe, and London in particular is a great match for her! We've always thought that her quirky and fun style feels way more Londonier than LA-like.
- Have you seen Rihanna's latest longer hair look? We spotted her over the weekend and we hoped it was just for the music video she has been shooting, but here she is again last night and the longer electric red hair is still there. Rihanna was out to dinner at Da Silvano's in New York City and she is looking pretty comfy with her hairdo. What do you think, should she keep it?
- Last night while leaving a dinner party at AGO restaurant in Los Angeles, Rihanna had no time to pose for the photogs in that hot little Lanvin mini-dress because she was too busy talking on her phone.
View the megastar’s coifs through the years and vote for your favorites on Elle.com.
- It's not that we're not used to her eccentric outfits...
Więc ostatnio Rihanna wydała swój nowy teledysk RiRi, do singla Russian Roulette. Jej przed ostatni klip Wait Your Turn nie zrobił dużego wrażenia na jej fanach, dla nie których był zbyt prosty i mało oryginalny, ale moim zdaniem nie był najgorszy. Lecz tym razem klip Russian Roulette jest zupełnie inny i cieszy się dużym powodzeniem u fanów :)
- Fierce Rihanna VS. Cutiepie Jessica Alba! These two fashionistas have totally different styles, but they both loved these J Brand "Zombie" jeans ...
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