- GQ Magazine in London held their annual Man of the Year Awards last night and as usual the event was packed full hot male celebrities and a few lovely female stars too! Mad Men hottie Jon Hamm won the big award, he was named International Man of the Year, while Gossip Girl's Ed Westwick won the breakout star award. Giorgio Armani was given the honour of designer of the year and Gemma Arterton is GQ's woman of the year. Take a look at what everyone was wearing below!
- British starlet Keira Knightley is one of the Chanel Luxury Brand's darlings and is often used in their ad campaigns, as fans probably know. Yesterday Keira was in Paris shooting a new ad for Chanel! Wow, that nude biker outfit is fantastic! She has got to be the most stylish biker chick we have ever seen, take a look!
- Who said iCarly star Miranda Cosgrove couldn't sing live? We think she actually sounded really good! She performed live at the Rockefeller Center as part of the 'Today Show' concert series in New York City yesterday and she spoke about her upcoming album too! We think she looked fabulous too.
Stardoll Admin
Winter Comes Early to the Mill
FAYE McCARRON, staff writer
WINTER MILL - Three inches of snow fell Saturday, as Winter Mill's record-breaking cold snap continued.
Scientists at the National Weather Center in Maryland confirmed that this was Barnes County's earliest snowfall since records began, beating the previous mark set on October 3rd, 1953. "It's really remarkable," said meteorologist Rick Knowles. "We don't expect to see this in September."
Knowles added that he expected the snow to continue falling for some time. "It's an odd weather system, very localized and very stable. We haven't seen any signs that it's going anywhere."
The Winter Mill Police Department have advised caution on the roads and urged people to make sure they have several days' supply of food and fuel. "If this keeps up, we could be cut off at any time," said Sgt Mitchell Wilson. "Even once the plows are out, it can take days to clear all the rural routes, so stock up early."
For the moment, though, conditions are perfect for winter sports, and residents have been taking to the slopes in and around town. Students at Winter Mill High attended a sled race Sunday at MacMillan Field - first prize went to brother and sister team Bradley and Ruth Farmer on their toboggan 'The Loose Goose'.
Does this freak snowfall strike you as kind of spooky? (-Faye)
Let Faye know what you think in the comments box!
- Nothing says "we are a couple" in Hollywood like an appearance together on the red carpet ! Star tattoo artist Kat Von D opened her Wonderland art gallery last in West Hollywood and she had her new boyfriend, Jesse James right by her side!
- It’s CC, it’s Pip Pop!
Check out the exclusive interview with 'Superstar Girl' songstress!
- It looks a little like a teddy bear, climbs trees with the ease of a monkey, but what's a kangaroo doing up a tree? It’s the amazing Matschie's tree kangaroo, who makes its home in the ancient trees of Papua New Guinea's cloud forest.
Check out this video to see the Tree Kangaroo live in action and learn more about the Tree Kangaroo conservation program.
- Poor Justin Bieber! He was forced to cancel a concert last night at the New York State Fair and he took to Twitter yesterday to apologise to his fans.
- Two hot young stars recently met on the set of their sci-fi movie "I Am Number Four" and have been pretty much inseperable ever since, even doing their grocery shopping together!
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