- David Beckham really isn't a saver when it comes to spoiling his wife, Victoria Beckham. Since he was working, he's now making it up to her by flying in their entire family, including in-laws, to Paris.
"His main present is flights for the whole family, including the grandparents, to join him in the French capital", a close source reveals. "David's saying he's going to spoil her rotten and make up for lost time", the source continues.
The couple will also leave the kids at home for one evening and night with the grandparents, so they can have a night alone at a five-star hotel.
- Cara Delevingne is best known for being a model and for dating Harry Styles a while ago. Now she's gearing up for a new career - in pop music!
Sources tell Cara is very lucky since she has many friends in the music industry, and Rita Ora has promised to help Cara putting together a debut album. "Cara's singing voice is a lot better than anyone will expect", a close source tells according to Contactmusic.
The source also explains that Rita and Cara are planning on doing a fun pop track together.
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