Your Heroes (Part 2)
This is a follow up post to another post that I made earlier about role models. Here are some more responses from the members of 'InterviewClub" who are discussing their role models!
kissme773: Taylor Swift, Even though the media constantly attacks her songs and personality, she isn't afraid to continue to be herself.
broadwaydance19: Talia Joy because she never let her cancer control her life and thought of makeup as her wig. She was beautiful no matter what her conditions were.
"I like to think about today and live in the moment"kearakicks: My hero is my best friend because she helps me get through tough times and she's just a really great person!
nyfiserena8: All those doctors and volunteers who have travelled to countries devasted by the Ebola outbreak, putting their own lives at risk
Hotty39Samantha: Emma Watson because she makes women and girls around the world feel empowered, like they really do matter, and that they don't need men to do things for them.
"Believe in yourself, and go for it!"
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