Styczeń 2013
- Czy patrząc na otaczający nas świat zastanawialiście się kiedyś co jest na nim najmniejsze? Jeśli tak, to zapraszam do przeczytania artykułu. Może znajdziecie odpowiedź na zadawane sobie pytania. :
- Red carpet season officially kicked off last night with People's Choice Awards 2013, and we spotted so many glamorous celebrities rocking the red carpet. We've listed the top 6 best dressed stars according to us - so click on the pics and tell us if you agree or not!
It's that time of year again where most of us are getting ready to go back to school after that long winter break. So, what better way to start than with a new make-over! For those who like to do their make-up for school, watch this video. It will show you a simple look you can create for your own doll or yourself.
A few suites stood out to me over the past week. They belong to...
- Ever since Ashton Kutcher's big cheating scandal was exposed, he's been having a hard time fitting in in Hollywood. Later on when he started dating his former colleague Mila Kunis, people didn't really accept them as a couple. "People are afraid he'll hurt Mila the way he hurt Demi Moore". Now they've both had it with the superficial Hollywood and are looking for new places to live - and have mostly been house hunting in Chicago! "Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis are on the hunt for a place far from the hustle and bustle of Hollywood", a close source reveals. After a short visit in Chicago they completely fell in love with the city and decided to move there. “The couple fell in love with the Windy City while visiting during Christmas and have been busy checking out real estate ever since". Cool move, we must say!
- Everyone loves a cool crisp flavorful drink, right! I love using Ice cubes to cool my drink however I'm not thrilled about the watered down taste once the ice starts to settle and melt ,it can really ruin a sweet tasty drink. I found a fun easy way to keep my drinks nice and full of flavor until the end. For this you will need 1-2 Ice trays, your favorite Soft drink or Juice drink. Choose the soft-drink or juice of your choice fill all the cubes with your flavored drink, store the filled trays in the freezer until all the cubes have formed and become little blocks of goodness. When you're ready for a refreshing drink add a few flavored cubes and pour your soft drink/ juice drink in over the ice your drink will be tasty from the first sip to the last! as the ice melts it will triple the flavor :)
- Hello everyone! Since my last video of "Before & After" hit over 18000 views, I decided to keep going and making more videos of "Before & After", so I hope you enjoy this new video. :]
Want to know how to acheieve Barbies pink perfection, here's a makeover that will help you do just that...
- We spotted Jessica Alba yesterday after she hit the gym in L.A. We're so curious on her upcoming year, cause it looks like it'll be filled with success in her career. Jess is starring in three movies this year, and if feels like forever we saw her on the big screen...
- Na dworzu jak nie śnieg, to błoto. Wśród takiej scenerii zieleń zanika, a przynajmniej staje się zrzucona na drugi plan! W te niezbyt ładne dni postanowiłam pokazać Wam nieco atrakcyjniejszy widok. Przygotowałam eleganckie, wykonane z najlepiej uprawianych materiałów...ubrania z roślin ;) Z pewnością nie założymy ich dla ochrony naszego ciała przed mrozem, ale mimo to uważam je za wyjątkowo oryginalne ciuchy.
Prezentowany wpis: "‘Kwieciście’ w sezon wiosna/lato '13"CrAzY_GiRl_8_27
Prezentowany wpis: "Dzień kobiet"missmariksza
Prezentowany wpis: "Książkowe rzeźby"Lilyam
Prezentowany wpis: "Przepisy"