Sierpień 2012
- Joel Madden returns to his car after a shopping spree at fashionable Melrose Ave. Is he getting dressed up for wifey Nicole?! We think yes!
- Hey bad girl there! Kendell Jenner doesn't care much about other people's safety- or her own for that sake. The young reality star and model was caught yesterday texting and driving, and an eyewitness was really concerned: "The car was all over the lane. I thought the driver was intoxicated! When I pulled up alongside her car, I realized it was Kendall Jenner.", the witness says."She was texting and driving! I was trying to get off the freeway, and I couldn't merge into the right lane because (Kendall) wasn't paying attention and her car would have drifted into mine. When she realized we were taking pictures of her, she gave me a dirty look but continued texting, laughing with her friends in the car." Hey Ken, pay someone else to text while you're driving! (perezhilton)
- Aaww how sweet! Rachel Zoe shows her affection for baby boy Skyler Berman as they take a walk in sunny West Hollywood!
- Hooray! Here is a top 10 of crazy hot Ryan Gosling pictures and fun-fun facts about the golden boy! Do you know which boyband once wanted Ryan on boad or what cuisine his Beverly Hills restaurant is? Let's find out while really enjoying the eye candy - click on the pictures to see all fun trivia!
- Lace is hot, hot, hot and there are many ways to pull it off! Long sleeve, no sleeve, tulle or a plain leather skirt- which dress with a lace detailed top looks better?! Actress Tanya Fischer is pretty in her baby doll inspired gown and fashionista Nicky Hilton looks smashing as well! But as always it's up to you now- who wore the trend better? Tanya or Nicky? Vote, peeps!
- Animal prints seems to never go out of style in Hollywood and especially not leopard prints! Grr! Celebrities like Heidi Klum and Olivia Palermo show us over and over again how to pull the trend off. Click on the pics for the best inspo!
- We spotted Jessica Biel leaving a private screening of the movie 'Total Recall' in London the other day. She was looking insanely happy and we love her big smile. But ok, who wouldn't smile like that if they were marrying Justin Timberlake...?
- Ponieważ piknikowy konkurs na Stardoll trwa postanowiłam Was trochę zainspirować obrazkami, które znalazłam na https://wehe
- Yea, we admit, we have the worst Spice Girls-fever today (feeling totally nostalgic!), and we bet it'll last for a looong time now! Their performance at the Olympics was so epic and we're watching it over and over again. Have you heard their Olympic Studio Mix with hit songs 'Wannabe' and 'Spice Up Your Life'? Listen below, it's awesome!
- Rihanna is not very private at all when it comes to her social medias. Instagram, Twitter, Facebook- you name it, she loves posting pics everywhere to share with her fans. But the fun thing about Rihanna is that her private life is everything but normal, and what we can relate to. She's always doing crazy stuff, so click on the pics and check out what she's been up to lately!
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