Marzec 2011
- The 9.0-magnitude quake and tsunami devastating Japan may be one of the most costly disasters of all time, with economic tolls estimated at 122 billion dollars. The fashion world has responded to Japan’s dire need for monetary aid with several ways to contribute to relief abroad. See ways you can help after the jump.
Photo: Lady Gaga Official Store
Already raising over a quarter of a million dollars, Lady Gaga’s ‘We Pray for Japan’ wristband is currently available for $5 and can be purchased on her website. For the month of April, Josie Natori will donate 10% of all sales in to Red Cross. Garment drop boxes are currently installed in Theory stores for clothing donations. Donations to the Red Cross, Shelter Box, and Doctors without borders can be made through Bergdorf Goodman’s Facebook page. Designer Diane Von Furstenberg and the CFDA will be creating an online auction of fashion packages from various designers with proceeds going towards Japan relief. All website sales of Hanae Mori Parfums will be donated to the American Red Cross. Donations can also be made directly to the American Red Cross. Check out this week’s Wanted List for a round up of products that raise money for Japan relief.
- Witam was kochani!
Już dawno nie publikowałam Wam ciekawych Apartamentów... czas to zmienić! Oto kilka z milionów pięknych kont, które ostatnio udało mi się odwiedzić ( no może nie odwiedziłam kilka milionów, ale prawie...:))
Witam ;)
Dzisiaj pragnę napisać Wam o bluzach wykonanych z chust ludowych.
Jakiś czas temu było coś o tym w tv ;)
- Vanessa Hudgens and Jamie Chung are not just co-stars in their latest movie "Sucker Punch", they share a great sense of style too! We bet they are great friends too. Both girls have been seen wearing this cute Blu Moon leopard print maxi dress lately. We wonder if they have been borrowing from each other's wardrobes?! Who do you think wore it best?
- We love seeing our favorite celebs with their BFFs because we all know that no matter how rich and famous you are nothing compares to a good bestfriend. These celebrity BFFs have known each other for years and love their outings together. And we love how it shows Hollywood isn't only about drama and backstabbing. Take a look at some of the genuine friendships in lala land.
- We can't keep saying this enough, if you are in Los Angeles, forget the celebrity homes tour! If you want to catch a glimpse of your favorite stars, the best place to go is LAX airport! We spotted stars like Blake Lively, hot couple Katy Perry and Russell, model Georgia May Jagger and Twilight star Bryce Dallas Howard traveling through the airport all in one day! Here they are, the real thing, not all dressed up for the red carpet for a change!
- Dziś skupiłam się na Anglii, a dokładniej na Londynie. Wybrałam 3 obiekty, które są dosyć ciekawe i charakterystyczne, więc zapewne będziecie je znać. Pierwszym z nich jest Big Ben
Photo: Roxy
“The beach always reminds me of my wedding! After a day of water skiing together (me in a bikini and a veil) and a feast of lobsters and fries, I pulled my husband down to the beach as a plane flew overhead that read ‘You may now kiss the bride.’ They were the perfect nuptials for a couple of beach bums,” says Cynthia Rowley of her favorite beach memory. The designer has beach on the mind as she prepares to launch her latest collection for Roxy. This time around she thought of her laid back surfing customer, “When I go to the beach, I want to be paired down and carefree, but still well put-together,” Rowley said. Mission accomplished thanks to the faded color blocked wetsuit at left that sums up the whole collection.
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