Wrzesień 2010
Who: Hayley
What: Pull together a polished preppy look with a smart blazer and crisp white shirt.
Wear: vintage jacket, shirt, skirt and hat, bag from Sri Lanka, shoes from Australia
Photo: Courtney D'Alesio
Think you are Street Chic? E-mail us your photo and you could appear in ELLE.com's Street Chic Daily. Follow ELLE on Twitter. Become our Facebook fan!
Fall's biggest statements are in the smallest details. How to wear everything from knit-on-knit to winter whites
By Joann Pailey | August 30, 2010 8:00 a.m.
- Nothing says "we are a couple" in Hollywood like an appearance together on the red carpet ! Star tattoo artist Kat Von D opened her Wonderland art gallery last in West Hollywood and she had her new boyfriend, Jesse James right by her side!
Shop 'ace' tennis-inspired fashions for on-and-off the court
By SYDNEY WASSERMAN | September 02, 2010 9:00 a.m.
Oto nowy styl zainspirowany muzyką Grunge. Kolekcja ta to efekt zafascynowania jesiennymi projektami Alexandra Wanga a także kolekcją Milan od Bottega Veneti.
Trochę chłopięce, trochę jak z lat 90-tych, ale teraz jak najbardziej na czasie bo obecne w stylizacjach takich gwiazd jak Taylor Swift i Lea Michelle.
Niedawno pojawiło się nowe LE i pewnie większość Was jest spłukana. Brakuje Ci Stardollarów? Tutaj umieszczę kilka rad, jak kupować i nie zbankrutować :)
Who: Arianna Ward
What: Style a simple tank dress with a patterned belt.
Wear: Arianna Ward dress and bag, vintage belt, Kelsi Dagger shoes, Banana Republic sunglasses
Photo: Edward Le Poulin Think you are Street Chic? E-mail us your photo and you could appear in ELLE.com's Street Chic Daily. Follow ELLE on Twitter. Become our Facebook fan!
- Both Jessica Alba and Natalie Portman were at the opening day of the Venice Film Festival yesterday for the premieres of their latest movies. These two girls have very styles. Jessica went for a more fun and trendy look while Natalie was classic in a red godess gown with a matching hairdo. Who do you think made more impact on the red carpet? Vote!
- Po ostatniej serii artykułów o urządzaniu pokojów, zalaliście mnie falą pytań z różnych dziedzin.
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