For en uke siden sendte jeg ut en melding til alle i Norge om at jeg søker tips på Suiter, album, kollasjer og blogger som jeg kan publisere her i Starbloggen.
Jeg har fått inn haugevis av tips, og her er tre av dem.
- No christmas without Mariah Carey's christmas songs! The pregnant actress performed songs from her new holiday album "Merry Christmas II You" at the Rockefeller Center in New York City yesterday !
- As I'm sure you all know, Lanvin's collection for H&M will be released next week but until then you can prepare for the launch by checking out these amazing ads! The campaign features models Hannelore Knuts, Jane Schmitt, Tati Collitar, Natasha Poly, Simon Nessman and Garance Dumont and in addition H&M also produced a two and a half minute long TV commercial, check that out below as well!
- It's easy to think of your favourite celebrity as an icon rather than a person, a person who is someone's brother or sister. The names of celebrities have become world famous brands, and for the people who share their last names, it's bound to come with some side effects. Allow us to introduce you to the brothers and sisters of your favourite celebrity super stars!
- Tusen takk til alle som har stemt på Mette.Stardoll i National Covergirl.
Jeg er veldig glad for alle stemmer, og for at dere så åpenbart synes jeg har god stil og pen Suite.
Men vi som arbeider på Stardoll skal ikke stemmes frem som National Covergirl, eller som vinner i noen andre konkurranser.
Derfor ble det bestemt at medlemmen som kom nummer to denne gang skulle utses til vinner.
- ... publiserer jeg tre av tipsene deres!
Jeg har fått mange tips, og det kommer flere hele tiden. Og for at jeg skal rekke å se så mange som mulig så trenger jeg noen flere dager.
Har en liten overraskelse også, hold øya åpne her på bloggen for mere infromasjon ;)
- There was a GQ Magazine Men of the Year party at the Chateau Marmont last night in Hollywood. There were some serious hotties there, as you would expect, like our favorite Grey's Anatomy crush Jesse Williams, but we have to admit, one guy was just too cute to handle! Twilight star Taylor Lautner of course! See what we mean below!
- Police in Oxfordshire, England are on the hunt for a couple who grabbed a rare first edition of a "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" book from the Creative Arts Gallery in Woodstock! The sneaky couple were caught on CCTV, stealing the book while the gallery's tour guide was distracted by a group. There were only 300 of these special editions ever published, so the book is worth up to $9 000, probably more now that the Harry Potter series is finished and the latest movie is out! How can people be so bad?! (Source: Wenn)
- We knew this was bound to happen sooner or later, but we didn't expect it to happen this soon! Busy actress Emma Watson is in the midst of being a sophomore at Brown University and promoting the final instalments of the Harry Potter Saga, but some how she's managed to make time to explore new areas, designing to be more precise! The fashion savvy 20 year old has teamed up with renowned designer Alberta Ferretti to design a organic clothing range, and she's doing it for free, wanting to support ethical and organic clothing.
- The December issue of Vogue has a gorgeous looking Angelina Jolie on the cover. What a way to end off the year! Inside the photoshoot is even more amazing! We have a few pictures here...Angelina also talks about her family and tells a funny story about her daughter and a dead bird inside! We are just totally mad about her, aren't you?! Click here to read the interview and see more of Angie's photoshoot!