Jeg var så heldig å bli invitert av Stardoll på pressevisning for filmen "Water For Elephants". Jeg tenkte derfor jeg kunne fortelle dere litt om filmen! Den har premiere i Norge 15 april, altså på fredag.
- Hello, Stardollians (assuming you'd like to be called that)! It's Tyler here and I am back with another (hopefully) interesting post that's worth reading.
For those you that are not aware, I own a Stardoll-based modeling agency. If you keep up with Stardoll users and their creative minds, you know that there has been many user-created (again), Stardoll-based magazines. Rather than featuring real models, they feature Stardoll MeDolls. My management was made to help gorgeous and aspiring MeDolls to land a spot in Stardoll's most prestigious magazines.
Every month we choose one of our MeDoll models to become a "Spotlight Model". This allows you to be showcased more than you normally would. Today I am going to share with you a lovely graphic created by the talented Plami161 on Stardoll. The model is fashionngirl. and he, yes he, is our first ever "Spotlight Model":
The image may be very small here, but you can visit the homepage of the management to view it fully. I cannot wait to hear all of your kind comments and reactions.
Visit the link below for more details:
Hello dear readers, how are you? Ready for this funny wednesday's theme? Nothing more appropriated to the last day of carnival than the CARNIVAL itself. That's it, dress yourselves inspired by the biggest brazilian party and leave a comment here telling me that you're joining. You must keep your carnival outfit during the whole day of today. Dolls saved in albuns will not be considered. Whoever comment in my GB, album or scenery will be disclassified. Winners will be announced next wednesday.
- Hi everyone, sorry for the huge delay, my life is on a hurry and I'm totally out of time. Anyway, here are the winners of the Hot Buys Funny Wednesday...
Open the article to see them all.
Stardoll-versjonen av NOH8, som ble grunnlagt i slutten av 2010 av Juciimami827, støtter en rekke problemer som fortjener oppmerksomhet. Rasisme, SS og Ikke-SS forskjeller, mobbing, seksualitet og mere. Listen vokser hver dag - bokstavelig talt!
NOH8 lar folk hver dagsignere et opprop som sier hva enkelte MeDolls står for. Hvis NOH8 kommer over en viktig sak i ikke bare dukkeverdenen, men også den virkelige verden, som ikke er stått opp for blir det lagt til listen. Dette prosjektet er til for å skape sosial bevissthet, og å vise att ikke bare kjendiser, men hverdagslige meDolls står opp for hva de tror på. IKKE HAT.