Cher Lloyd
- You might want to update your look to something that fits this time of year, Autumn is beautiful and the colors can inspire many looks for your medoll. Be Inspired..
- Stardoll is very near to 200,000,000 members. What a way it's come, from absolutely nothing, they have came all this way.
57898699 DEL
- Hoi hoi, dit is het tweede deel van mijn korte verhaal voor de wedstrijd Talent Voor Taal. Ik hoop dat jullie het leuk vinden ;) Nog 1 deel en dan ga ik weer verder met het verhaal over Lisanne.
- Auroras, constellations, satellites, galaxies and planets; when we gaze up at the night sky, we are exposed to a whole new world. The nearest star being away, you can only imagine what lies out there.
57898699 DEL
Hej hej lezers, jullie vragen je natuurlijk af waarom ik zo lang geen deel van mijn verhaal heb gepost?? Nou dat komt omdat er nu een wedstrijd is van talent voor taal waar ik aan meedeed. Hier is een stukje van het verhaal (ik denk dat ik het in 2 of 3 delen kan posten ;)\ Het gaat over het thema: Niets is wat het lijkt. En over buitenbeentjes.
- Ruby Redfort is my all-time favourite! Since it isn't very 'popular' at the moment, I thought I might post up a book review to you all.
- 1920's
The roaring twenties were all about celebrating and having fun so fashions were designed for dancing! I love dropped waist flapper girl dresses with their fun beading. This is a perfect party look! Flapper fashion was one of the first trends that everyone could wear because the simple shapes of the shift dresses were easy to copy at home. The most fashionable flappers wore couture, beaded gowns, had short bobbed hair and feathered headdresses. Fun!
- Here's a quick little post to remind all of you lovely, beautiful and talented medolls to make sure and show your support.
- Hey dollies, Thanyou for your comments, apologises for the long wait but here are the answers for my personality/choices quiz: