Answers to Our Second Q&A!
Hello Dolls!
We received bunches and bunches of really great questions for our second Q&A: Ask a Customer Support Manager!
We’ve selected a few questions to be answered, and we hope that from reading them, you will be able to know more about our lovely Sophia, one of our awesome Support Managers!
Here you can read her answers to your questions:
Anamoda100 asks: What makes it gratifying working in this field?
Hi Anamoda100, I have worked with customer support my whole professional life. I find it very gratifying, because you guys love this game so much, which makes it in some ways easier and much more fun to help you every day. I feel I accomplished a mission at the end of the day.
Laninhalover asks: Hi, my question is: What's the situation you've been through, as the Stardoll support manager which has touched you the most, or who has caught your eye? How do you deal, emotionally, with the responsibilities of the field? I appreciate having the opportunity to ask you questions, Stardoll has been very important to me.
Hi Laninhalover, I really appreciate receiving your question! I get really touched when I see Dolls helping each other, the friendships that are made on Stardoll and all the creativity that is put into the designs and great outfits and decor. All of the support team shares stories we get about Dolls who have helped others or in other ways showed kindness to others. These special moments help us when we have to deal with certain things on Stardoll which can be more difficult, like you’d find with any other job. Stardoll has many players all over the world, so the workload can be high. But we have all the support managers team, and we are always helping each other out. I truly love the team I work with!
Rachellyta asks: What is your advice to us when writing in to you in order to get the best results?
Hi RachelLyta--smart question! Here are a few tips:
- If you are having issues with an item, please let us know the exact name of it. We have 80,000+ items, so telling us you can’t find your dress makes it super-difficult to help!
- Be honest about what’s going on and realize we can’t share information about other accounts with you. If you receive a warning, and dispute it, that is fine, but we have access to all of the information about your account and what activities and conversations you are involved in. The same goes for other accounts. I think it’s wonderful when Dolls care about each other and write in when a friend’s account is closed, but we are not able to discuss that account with you, or the reasons it’s gone.
- Kindness is so important! Remember, we are people with feelings too. We are lucky to have lots of ways to help Dolls and to make their day. I know if you have to write in for help, you’re probably stressed out, but a bit of kindness goes a long way!Natallia0Kills asks: What do you think about the female empowerment in the media? In relation to the LGBT audience, will there be more releases or more involvement from Stardoll on the site?
Hi Natallia0Kills, this is a very important subject! I support equality, as do all of us at Glorious Games Group, Stardoll’s parent company. I’m happy to see that the media is taking female empowerment seriously and hope this trend continues, but I can see room for improvement. When Stardoll started, we made this game for girls and empowering them is part of our daily responsibility. We have expanded what we do and our reach, but that responsibility remains a core value. Stardoll’s involvement with LGBTQIA equality, has been, for me, a great accomplishment, and we LOVED hosting Stardoll Pride in June! I personally support equality for all and you will definitely see more activities related to this on the site.
WackyJacqui asks: Other than Stardoll, what is your favorite computer game?
Hi WackyJacqui, that’s a great question! We here at the office play on a lot! Some of the staff here are super into the first-person shooter games, and others play the massively multi-player online games. We also have an extensive collection of board and table games and video game consoles in the kitchen to play during downtime. Our office is located in a building that houses some other game companies, so wherever we go, there are games! Other than that, I’m into mobile games now. We are excited about the new mobile releases that Glorious Games Group is currently working on. Keep your eye out for Friendling, which just came out on Android -- it’s ADORABLE! We spend a lot of time playing games, so it’s a very fun job!
Midol asks: Are there any crazy stories you hear about Stardoll that are just wrong?
Hello Midol, thanks for writing in! As for crazy stories! Yes -- we currently have rumors going around about accounts getting blocked from winning. This isn’t true. We have recently updated our anti-cheating software, so I think that is where that particular rumor was born, Dolls who were winning often suddenly were having difficulty doing so. Also, some people complain their account was closed but they didn’t get their “3 warnings.” Warnings are only given if the issue is a minor one. If someone is copying wigs, for example, their account will be closed immediately. They won’t be able to copy more wigs and get a warning for that and then copy again before their account is closed! The third big misconception is that if you are plan to compete in a contest, you need to write in and tell us, so we can be sure to not count fraudulent votes--I assure you: we don’t! Our software does that for us! And you don’t need to write in about it, as responding to your message takes up time we could be spending helping members in other ways. :) Those are the 3 big misconceptions we have been dealing with lately.
Vouva13 asks: Hello! Nice meeting you, dear Sophia! What has been your biggest challenge so far? With best regards Sandy
Hi Vouva13, nice meeting you too! I can speak for the team while answering this question. Our biggest challenge would definitely be all the measures we take against cheaters. Identifying fake accounts, working on strategies to reduce cheating, together with the technical department, has been a big challenge, but we have been really successful, so far. We came up with improved softwares to identify those and make a better game for everyone! It’s an ongoing battle we fight every day.
Tarta_fresa asks: Hi Sophia, How do you know Stardoll? Did you have an account here before starting working?
Hey Tarta_fresa! I got to know Stardoll through my cousin, who used to play Stardoll since I was quite young. That is one of the cool things about a game with such a long history--everyone knows someone who’s played it at some point! Thanks to her I got to know this great game and decided to apply for a vacancy here, once I moved to Stockholm. I’ve had an account for a long time. I play very often and thanks to this, I’m able to help you with technical problems and other issues. Also, I fell in love with the game, which makes my work much easier and fun!
Loli-mona asks: Hi! My questions are: How many people do you need to work in the area? How difficult it is to have players from everywhere in the world? Kisses.
Hi Loli-mona, I’m glad to know you are interested in the people around Stardoll! We have a multicultural team. We have native speakers for each language we support and, most of my colleagues also speak more than one language, so we can help each other, when necessary. We are able to recruit excellent talent from other countries as well for all of our different teams and departments. It’s a very special vibe to work here and we help each other all the time. We have the community feeling, like Stardoll, and for this reason, It’s great to have players from everywhere in the world. We get to know so much about different cultures and because Stardoll is a community, you can make friends from everywhere too! Kisses!
Dimitra.kir6 asks: Hi, I have a nice question for you! I would like to know if you have ever regretted something you did and also, what is the best thing you have done for Stardoll?
Hi Dimitra.kir6, this is really a nice question! I haven’t really regretted anything, but I do feel terrible when I have to close an account of long-time players, because they have severely broken the rules. I try to be a good ambassador for Stardoll in every interaction I have. I feel so happy working here, this makes me motivated and I put a lot of love and passion in my work.
Emilioreynoso asks: What are the activities you work with as SUPPORT MANAGER?
Hi Emilioreynoso, so many! We answer the questions sent by you, we monitor the website, we collect feedback and suggestions and send them to the right people or teams for consideration. We work together with the technical team to resolve problems. We help with engagement and content teams letting them know what everyone would like to see in the future, and help provide context when necessary to those dealing with reports because we know our markets. Because we know the players best, our opinions and knowledge are quite valuable to our company and we always advocate for you.
EleganteLalito asks: What career did you study and what is its equivalent in Mexico?
Hi EleganteLalito! Very interesting question! I studied marketing and fashion, at university. You can study this field in almost every country. I’ve always worked with customer support and I can use all the knowledge I acquired in my job, daily. I truly recommend you to follow your dreams and study and work with what you really love!
Marifer1401 asks: Hi! I’m sorry to bothering you, but I would be very happy if you can answer my questions: How did you get so far? Did you start from zero? Does Stardoll give support managers everything they want? I hope you see my questions, I would be very grateful if you answered them!
Hi Marifer1401, You are not bothering me; I’m so happy to be answering you! Well, my experience with customer and community support, as my degree in marketing and fashion, has brought what was needed to start working in Stardoll. Doing what I love and working with games is so much fun that I’m always excited and engaged with my work. But this doesn’t mean that you need to follow one exact path to work with what you love, all my colleagues have a different story and destiny brought us to work together. Working at Stardoll is pretty great. We always have fun together and we do activities outside the work environment too. The whole company is a big team, so we all get the same benefits.
Dizye asks: What's the best part of working on Stardoll? Kisses from Dizye
Hi Dizye, thanks for your asking! the best part is receiving your positive feedback about the activities we prepare for you. We work so hard and seeing your responses to what we create when you’re pleased makes us really happy.
Mel-adele asks: Hi Sophia, Who inspires you? How do you deal with the everyday challenges? What is your favorite food? Sweet or savory? How has this year been for you? I love asking questions! Kisses and success to you!
Hi Mel-adele, you inspire me! All the Dolls at Stardoll are inspiring in their own ways, and that’s why I love this job. I’m always very impressed by your creativity and all the effort you put into changing your Dolls and Suites. We love to read about what you have been doing on the site and watching all the creativity that goes around the website! This year has been really good for me and for all of us in the office. The Swedish summer has been unexpectedly warm and I’m enjoying it very much! Kisses and thanks for the good wishes!
dunyali.nil asks: "Hi Sophia! Last month I worked in an office as an intern. One of the things I realized working there is choosing an outfit for work is hard. I was lucky since my office's dress code was smart casual. What do you like to wear at Stardoll office? Would you like to have a different dress code at work? I hope you answer my question. Have a nice day!"
Hi dunyali.nil, I’m happy to hear you started your professional career! The dress code can change from company to company and from country to country, I believe. The dress code for our office is really relaxed and you can dress as you feel like, every day. We all have different styles, as well. Some people dress more casually than others. Those who are really into fashion, can show more style and creativity. It’s really a mix. For the summer I like to wear comfortable clothing with some Hawaiian colors creating swagger vibes! I wouldn’t change the dress code here, as it’s really comfortable.
This is a small selection of the MANY amazing questions Sophia received. Maybe if she has time, she will answer more of your questions later! Sophia was impressed with your thoughtful questions and the respect for her hard work. She is totally excited to keep helping you all. <3
Thank you for making Callie Con 2018 so special!
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