Carissime dolls,
Oggi vi insegnerò come disegnare Minnie.
Probabilmente vi sembrerà difficile a prima vista, ma con un po’ di pratica imparerete a farlo ad occhi chiusi!!
Seguite attentamente i 9 passaggi qui di seguito, sarà più facile di quello che pensate.
Buon divertimento!!
- (temporarily)
Hello Dollies!
The Dream Suites post every week has fast become one of my favorite features on Stardoll, because I, personally, get to play around on the site and find amazing users who take such good care of their Suites. But now, with the Miss Stardoll World contest fast approaching, I'm going to take a break from posting the Dream Suite of the Week, because I want the Miss Stardoll World contest to be as fair as possible.
I'll start the post back up again after MSW.
Keep up the great work, everyone!
And best of luck with the upcoming Miss Stardoll World competition!
twinkle twinkle, y'all...
- Happy Friday, Dollies!
Another week, another fabulous Stardoll Suite!
I'm really excited about this suite, because I think 876540276478302 really knows how to decorate a suite room! I love how she can include StarDesigns so subtly and yet they mean so much to the overall decor. AND a Louis Vuitton-inspired bathroom? How great is that?!
But my favorite? The Beach's a jungle in there! Go to 876540276478302's Suite and take a look! And after the jump, you can see some more pics of the Suite!
- Maybe it's because the weather is getting colder where I live, but I am loving the sun shiny summer feeling of Cascada0707's Suite!
So then maybe it's no surprise that I also love the amazing swimming locale...when I visit, I feel like I could actually dip my toes in the pool!
You should definitely check out the chic suite of Cascada0707 today!
Articolo distaccato: "TENDENZE MODA - PRIMAVERA 2013"alina81k
Articolo distaccato: "Diritti e doveri? Anche online!"