- It's that time again, Dollies! Well, yes, it's time for the Dream Suite, but it's also soon time for Twilight: Breaking Dawn! Yeah!
I don't know about you, but I cannot wait until the premiere for the new Twilight movie. It's going to be so awesome! It's been on my mind, and it even helped me choose this week's Dream Suite feature: Bella5_5Edward from Greece!
The Twilight series is a modern fairy tale, and Bella5_5Edward's Suite rooms are a fairy tale lover's dream! Mermaids, dreamy forest scenes, even Rapunzel in her high tower!
Click through to the images in this post, then head on over to Bella5_5Edward's suite to see more! (And trust me, there's lots more to see!)
While visiting ..Sindy... I noticed something was different about her bottom Beach Villa. She turned it into a train ride!
Here's a little preview of things:
So today I really wanted to feature a very talented user that goes by the name of Naitsirhc_101. As well as being a fabulous writer, an awesome friend and a lovely person in general, she is also a terrific graphic designer and has even started up her own magazine which goes by the name of Lottery. The cover above is of the current Halloween issue, which features the beautiful Lel1996 on it.
Here's what -LimitedEdition had to say about her designs:
Buon giorno mondo di stardoll :)
Oggi vi vorrei proporre, ai ragazzi di Stardoll, un look da superstar ed un look da non superstar
- All of us long for soft, kissable skin and at times this beauty wish can be easily achieved. However as winter approaches, bringing cold weather with it, soft skin can suddenly become difficult to get your hands on. Your skin changes with the seasons. In winter, the colder, drier air can lead to tight and irritated skin.
Image from:
25902783 DEL
- Gli EMA sono un concorso annuale condotto da MTV in cui si sfidano cantanti piú o meno famosi in Europa.Scopriamo i vincitori di quest´anno..
Hello stardoll!
I thought I should do more makeup tutorials, so I decided to do a makeup tutorial on Marilyn Monroe, it's very simple if you have the right makeup, and you will need to have pale skin on your medoll and superstar for the hair.
Step 1. Pick the following facial features and hair:
Articolo distaccato: "TENDENZE MODA - PRIMAVERA 2013"alina81k
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