It's the holidays season so if your stuck on ideas for gifts then here are some that might help!
- Hello guys! After last times post, I got many responces. Thanks for all!
Before and After, and Natural Beauties. The two choices! I will give a Natural Beauty of the post, with a tip or two, but I will be giving a natural makeover with a themed one too.
I hope you like this idea. Now, A L O T of you have asked to be in my first post, but Im sorry, I just cant get everyone in but I have been making lists so you might get a turn! :)
So, I have had quite alot of you wanting to be my natural beauty...
SpeakNow. is a very natural member with just a little bit of makeup. I think she is a perfect example of how being natural can be beautiful!
- White Christmas: è il titolo del film musical del 1954, prodotto negli Stati Uniti, a cui si ispira il fantastico store Film Theory che ci propone Stardoll in vista del Natale!
- Hi there, Dollies!
Although I have a loooong list of potential Dream Suite-rs lined up and ready to be posted, Mette.Stardoll and I thought that this week we could ask our Royalty members if they could recommend an amazing suite for us. And in the spirit of thinking of others during this holiday season, the recommendations could not be a Royalty member. Boy, did we find a lot of amazing suites!
This week's Dream Suite was recommended by Mystic_Darkness (who also has an amazing suite). Mystic_Darkness had several great suggestions, but out of those I chose linda-puus from Norway and I am so excited to share this suite! I love the color and the candy-coated, dream-like state of each room.
Check out the images below, then head on over for a visit to the suite of linda-puus!
Salve,sono Giusyavril98 e vi dò il benvenuto nella mia cucina!
Oggi vi spiegherò un semplice antipasto natalizio di origine tipicamente siciliana...
- Sono entusiasta del successo inaspettato che ha avuto la mia iniziativa, e voglio ringraziare di cuore tutti coloro che hanno partecipato raccontando la propria vigilia di Natale!
- Hello there! :)
Its Katie here, a new starblogger for the magazine, as you probably noticed. I am really excited about this, and I cant wait to start posting. :) I would just like to say a big thankyou to stardoll for giving me this privilege!
Anyway, you probably would like to know what I'll be posting about? Right? Well, Im not too sure yet, but I had a few ideas.
Did you know that the Hotbuys here on Stardoll are based off of real-life designer items?
If I want to see what one of my Hotbuys items looks like in real life, I have one go-to place I like to visit to find that out. What place am I talking about? The SD Hotbuys Addicted blog.Get addicted here: SD Hotbuys Addicted
Here's a little teaser of what you can find there. I'm sure you'll recognize these HB items:
This well-informed and neatly organized blog was created especially for your convenience by .Marcela..
Il Natale, come tutti sapete è il periodo magico dell'anno!
Ma come potrebbe essere tale senza le dolci melodie delle canzoni natalizie?
- Ecco qui, come promesso, i risultati del mio sondaggio:
Articolo distaccato: "TENDENZE MODA - PRIMAVERA 2013"alina81k
Articolo distaccato: "Diritti e doveri? Anche online!"