Salve lettori!
Eccomi qui a parlare di un argomento che interessa tutti: la musica. Ormai si sa, per gli studenti la scuola é finita, si avvicina un tempo di mare e di colonne sonoreche renderanno la nostra estate INDIMENTICABILE.
- Nove giorni sono passati da quel tragico 20 maggio 2012.
Nove giorni di paura per nuove scosse, ma anche di coraggio per ricominciare.
Da tutto il mondo sono arrivati messaggi di solidarietà e proposte di aiuto, ma com'è davvero la situazione?
Princes, Princesses, Queens, and Kings all have a certain style that they wear. They must always look their absolute best and know the fashion rules. Styles and outfits on Royal people are used by everyday people. Today I used some Stardoll dressups on some princesses. The outfits I made can easily be made into outfits of your own!
- I love jeans as much as the next person, but sometimes plain blue and black jeans get a little boring for me. So today I thought it would be fun to show everyone the outfits I made with some coloured jeans. Ive also given the prices, just in case your interested.
No matter what month it is, it's always great to spread awareness on important causes. Since the new StarDesign Hair came out, a new feature was added to the beauty parlor: going bald.
- With the growing uses and forms of technology we've become very dependent and accustom to having everything at our finger tips , we've also become rather addicted to the many ways that we communicate via technology. Have you ever thought about taking a week off ? Meaning a Tech free week.
- I don't know about all of you but Summer is my favorite time of the year and i thought i'd give you all some tips on how to spend it because lots of you will be breaking up from school for the holidays (or for good if you're like me!) and after a while the extra time can get a bit boring!
Articolo distaccato: "TENDENZE MODA - PRIMAVERA 2013"alina81k
Articolo distaccato: "Diritti e doveri? Anche online!"