Gennaio 2012
Fashion is a fiesta in Mexico where originality and colorful clothes contribute to the celebration. Stardoll’s own tikitooGuay1 is one cool fashionista whose sister “ introduced her to Stardoll,” and she has been creating, “unique designs, expressing herself, and improving” ever since. Lucky for us, because her designs are very popular! Inspired by magazines and what’s hot, she is a designer with a flair for knowing what medolls like. When asked about style in Mexico, tikitooGuay1 said fashion should be “original and colorful, wear hats, boots, colorful skirts, shawls and jackets.” For the finishing touch, put a “flower in your hair,” and you are ready for the fiesta. Viva el México! Viva por tikitooGuay1!
- Ogni tanto sul web succedono cose strane...
Come diventare famosissimi, battendo tutti i recordi di Twitter, prima ancora di nascere! Sta succedendo alla figlia di Beyoncé e Jay-Z...
Buona sera dolls!
Questo pomeriggio(dopo aver fatto tutti i compiti...) mi è venuta l'idea di pubblicare qui nel blog, un Make-Up e un Dress-Up ispirato alla stagione invernale!
- Some celebrities just have it, and one of those have got to be Darren Criss. I admit it; I have a crush. He is just one of those super down to earth celebs. I predict that he is going right to the top in 2012.
- To refresh your memory we decided to list the most memorable women and men of 2011. Let’s start with the ladies! Some of them are on this list because of their huge success. Others, well Kim Kardashian, are here because of the endless headlines they’ve given us. No matter the reasons, these 11 women are who we will remember from 2011 and are anxious to see what they’ll bring to the table in 2012!
Since the release of StarDesign Jewelry, people have been going wild with creativity.
I'm sure you've seen lots of people wear some form of DIY hairstyle made in there.
What I have here with me today is only a small handful of users who have some creative, unique and beautiful hairstyles made using StarDesign Jewelry. Enjoy!
- There isn't a single celebrity who's not out shopping now! One of them, Julia Roberts' niece Emma Roberts, seems to have spent a lot of hard earned money in West Hollywood. By the way, isn't her street style adorable? Love the knit sweater!
Photo: Splash News
Last week, Editor-in-Chief of the Dutch fashion and lifestyle magazine Jackie resigned in disgrace, after publishing an article that referred to Rihanna as “the ultimate n****ab***h.” Parlour Magazine has an image of the complete article, which continues laying the insults on thick, referring to the pop star’s choice of footwear as “porn heels” and her personal style as ” what’s on can come off. If that means she’ll be on stage half naked, then so be it.” Not only did Eva Hoeke give the hugely offensive article the go-ahead, she also used social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook to make a few not-really-apologetic apologies. She posted on Facebook that “the title of the article was intended as a joke—it was a bad joke, to say the least. And that slipped through my, the editor-in-chief’s, fingers….Furthermore I hope that you all believe there was absolutely no racist motive behind the choice of words.”
Dana Lorenz
We love the statement pieces that fill Dana Lorenz’s Fenton/Fallon lines for their pretty, punky, and in-your-face-creations. Always a proponent of layering-on the baubles, Lorenz trained her eye at Donna Karan and Gucci, where she learned the importance of mixing mediums. For her, luxury is much more than having the funds to sponsor a healthy shopping addiction—instead, it’s all about the little things in life, like a candlelit bubble bath or a much-needed glass of vino.
Articolo distaccato: "TENDENZE MODA - PRIMAVERA 2013"alina81k
Articolo distaccato: "Diritti e doveri? Anche online!"