

Discovering New Band Music

116 bulan lalu

Music is one of the best ways of expressing your creativity and thoughts, and I know every single one of you listens to music, whether it be excessively or once-in-a-while.

Recently, a lot of bands have been gaining prominence and have also been topping the charts, surpassing famous solo artists. I, for one, am a HUGE fan of bands. I love a lot of Indie, Rock and Alternative music. My favorite band is Twenty One Pilots. They are a unique combination of every genre of music you can think of.

Here are some bands from 3 different genres that you can check out. Note: Some of these bands cross genres.

1/ One Direction
2/ OneRepublic
3/ Exo
4/ Maroon 5
5/ Union J

1/ The Beatles
2/ Linkin Park
3/ Radiohead
4/ Arctic Monkeys
5/ My Chemical Romance

1/ The Strokes
2/ Vampire Weekend
3/ Florence and the Machine
4/ Passion Pit
5/ Fun.
6/ Coldplay
7/ The National
8/ Bloc Party
9/ Smallpools
10/ Two Door Cinema Club

I couldn't resist listing five more Indie bands; it really is my favorite genre, haha. Music is refreshing and life changing. Go out and discover new music, guys.

Do you listen to bands? Who are your favorite bands? Comment. :)


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