

Advice for beautiful make-up!

175 hónappal ezelőtt

Dear readers,I am so sorry that I didn`t post anything the last month but I was really busy on real life.
Anyway... This time I thought to do something original that I think you will like. I know that some of you - especially new members - have problems on making beautiful and original makeups. For this reason I made a makeup and I will show you now how I made this. So, let`s start!!

First of all take a look at this makeup on the picture:

It is inspired from the seagreen colour and it reminds me a lot the sea and I really like this make-up...anyway...here are some suggestions on how to look great with this make-up:

-You can wear any accessories you want with this make-up but don`t wear red or orange accessories!!!
-If you want you can add blush to another colour like coffee....
-This make-up looks good with all clothes especially clothes with the colours of blue....
-Prefer to use very natural colours of lispstick......

Directions on how to apply this make-up:

-Appply the blue voluming mascara and then the lengthing mascara
-At the first half of the eye - apply the blue shade stick and then the oyster shade stick
-Apply wherever you want the red and then the orange blush.
-You are almost finished....
Now apply  the lipstick

Tatan!!You are ready!!

Hope you like it guys!!Please tell me your opinion in a comment!!!

Hope this helped,


