

2018 wrapped

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2018 was a weird year. Nothing horrible happened and nothing incredible happened however I thought I would talk about things I learned this year along with some of my highlights and other random things. 

2018 consisted of a lot of experiences and I got to tick some things of my bucket list. This year I was lucky enough to see Taylor Swift and George Ezra in concert. Both are 2 of my all-time favorite artists and have been on my bucket list for years, especially Taylor Swift who I have wanted to see since I was 10. Not going to lie: I cried. I also got to go on some amazing trips. One of them was an awesome holiday to Florida and more importantly: Disney World. I hadn't been on a family holiday since I was 10, so this was so special and more recently New York City. My friend and I found an amazing trip to New York City that we had 1 day to prepare for. We literally booked the tripped and left the next morning. It was such an amazing trip and especially to get to go at Christmas time was so magical.  

I have also learned a lot of life lessons, one being that 'everything happens for a reason.' It sounds cheesy however there has been so many obstacles put in my way and events that have happened which at the time of this happening I was so mad and upset, however hindsight is an incredible thing and looking back I've realized that those things happened for me to grow as a person. The universe has a plan and I've learned to trust that. 

On to some more fun things. My most listened to artist of the year was Billie Eilish which is no shock along with that my most played song was "Watch" by Billie Eilish. My favorite tv shows that I watched this year include The Fosters, Lucifer, The Handmaid's Taleand Dynasty. For movies, 2 films that I loved were Call Me by Your Name and Bohemian Rhapsody. Both films were amazing, and I cannot stop telling people about them.  

I hope you guys had a good 2018 and if not, I hope 2019 is a much better year. 

Till Next Time, Saff


