Hello, dollies! Guess what? The new Polished collections is out: Polished Florals! The new collection came out just in time for Spring! The collection is filled with bright and pastel colors! Each of the polishes have some type of flower design on them! I bought several of the polishes from the Florals Collection, and I thought I'd show you all my favorite two! Hope you guys enjoy! Can't wait to see you all wearing your new floral polishes!
Hey, Stardollians! The key to fashion is inspiration. Whether you get it from the Internet, or just another person doesn't matter. Because of this, I decided to find a picture off the Internet and give it a review. You can also kindly share your thoughts on it, as well. This awesome picture can be found ABOVE. Before I review it, I would like to stress that I did NOT make that picture and I am NOT taking any credit for the fashion shown in that picture! Okay, now that we got that out of the way, let's review it:
- For today's post I will be showing you a before and after makeover! Fashionista54 is a beautiful doll who is truly pretty on the inside out. She asked me if i could do a small makeover for her, and I was delighted. ( Please note: I did the makeover in her beauty parlor, while I was on my account. After that I took pictures, also on my account. I did not go on her account.)
- Već sam napisala 2 posta o životima poznatih dizajnera. Pričala sam vam o Coco Chanel i Christianu Dioru. Eh, ima tu još puno dizajnera o kojim bih mogla pisati, no željela bih vama ispuniti želju: VI ĆETE ODABRATI O KOJEM ĆU DIZAJNERU SLJEDEĆI PUT PISATI!