Styled Outfits
Tigress takes us back to the heady days of Jean-Paul Gaultier's couture shows in the 80s. Who’s that we glimpse behind Grace Jones, just to the right of Inès de la Fressange -- is it Madonna? Think stage wear. Pull up to the bumper in the GJ hooded jumpsuit. The look has lots of sequins, its baggy, with layering - dramatic! You must be my Lucky Star in feminine garments: bows, garter belts, tulle, puffy dresses and the classic cone bra one-piece.
This Schoolteacher Styled Outfits is an education both retro and fashion forward. Pushing jeweled colors to extremes with great shapes, be-ribboned ties and portrait necklines. Slip into a body-hugging day dress charmingly topped with a cardigan or an ebony evening column with splashes of red. These silhouettes are strict, but it’s for your own good – because they make you look great from every angle.
天生尤物系列設計靈感採擷自一些優雅的時尚名字:Chloé 和 Alexander Wang -- 集典雅,靚麗和姣好的淑媛氣質於一身- 修身而不失流線感的設計一定承托出你八面玲瓏的身姿。為今日時尚麗人奉獻的完美之選,時尚如你的IT-Girl -- 現在就盛裝出行,讓世人為你驚艷!
歡迎來到不折不扣的Glamorati 富貴生活天地 – 修身設計,用色明快而極富時尚感的衣飾 - 貼身完美的抹胸以及中袖短氅,飾以風琴褶,荷葉垂邊等匠心細節,設計風格透露名媛氣質,大牌風范。
It’s a dark day on the beach … and you are strolling in Michael Kors inspired tailoring. Take sleek strides down the sand in elongated silhouettes, stretch gabardines and narrow trousers.
Shades of ebony and charcoal dominate the collection: it’s Baywatch baroque – black skirt-suit veiled in gauze - a nod towards Pamela Anderson on the runway for Vivienne Westwood.
- 本季時尚服飾新系列珊瑚翩遷主要採用亮色配以奢華的高級手繪時裝設計。經過上一季的朴實無華,本季的珊瑚故事系列力圖為時尚達人們呈現一副熱帶海底世界的五彩華麗世界: 橘色的小丑魚,明黃,紫羅蘭,蔚藍,牡丹紅,以及祖母綠都來參加這海底的時裝盛會。廣泛採用珊瑚相關概念的珠寶點綴是本季服飾的另一個特色:項式勁鏈,華麗耳墜和相配的袖口配飾設計都為你的出行裝扮增添動人光彩。
本季時尚服飾為你演繹大海主題,用色包括壯闊的海藍色,明媚的沙灘色,明麗的地中海蠟菊色以及潮紅色系 ,配以傳遞芳芬的丁香,鈴蘭花色以及神秘幻美的藍綠色,為你譜寫一首海底夢幻曲。這季的時尚海洋,採用昂貴面料,外罩以多層薄如蟬翼的織物,再配飾採用多種珍奇多彩的貝類進行細節點綴,意圖為時尚潮人們制造一種似夢似幻的海底世界印象。
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Retro Redux embraces the future of nostalgia. The eternal adage 'Everything old is new again' rings truer in fashion right now than almost anywhere else. As every season send us one step back with retro references - we take a step forward with redux interpretations that are part flower child, part grunge, seasoned with a dash of eclectic couture.