

Got Gold in Mind?


Silver sophistication is always a temptation, but in life, gold's worth is greater, and number one is preferable. Academically the gold is obviously the best, but how can you get to becoming the best?

1. Don't keep you head down, keep it up! You need full concentration if you are aiming high, and it may seem silly but the more you pay attention, the more likely you are to absorb the information. Paying attention is done by looking at the teacher, listening, and absolutely not fiddling with anything.

2. Write it down! Even if you don't fully understand what you are writing, write it down anyways, because when you go for help the more likely you are to understand it and you will have the notes for future reference.

3. Asking for help! In life, I like to keep my grades all the same, that is top. People ask me how I do it, and simply it's because every time I don't know something, I ask. This tip is very important for those learning another language, if you have a but of confusion in words or pronunciation then ask, because in many languages one little mistake changes the entire meaning.

Have you got any goals for gold?

- Snerfy



