

Crush of the Week: Prince Harry

168 महीने पहले

Photo: Getty Images

One down, one more to go: Prince Harry is still on the market, and hearts around the world could not be beating fast enough (especially since the new Duke of Cambridge paved the way to royalty for commoners like us!). This week’s crush (a no-brainer) gives new meaning to “best man.”

Photo: Getty Images

Now, some might think of him as royal leftovers—but we think of it more as saving the best for last. Why chase Prince Charming when there’s an irresistible bad boy on the market (who also happens to be a prince)? At 26, he’s younger, he’s a prankster (so he can always make you laugh), and unlike his older brother, he’s got a full head of hair! (Redheads rarely lose their locks FYI.) He’s always caused a bit of scene at the Palace, making waves for the royals in his teens (drug use and a Hitler costume are among his not-so-bright moments). Don’t worry though—he’s toned it down a bit. Now he’s just the life of the party, and the morning after it seems: Though the royal bride and groom hosted a spectacular reception, Prince Harry handled the next morning with a Survivor’s Breakfast for all of the guests who may have celebrated the nuptials too hard the night before. He’s funny, he’s charming, he knows how to party, and he’s got a great mane of gorgeous ginger locks… We’d choose the Permanent Prince over the Future King any day!
इसमें पोस्ट की गई:ElleGirl



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