- 99562264 DEL
There are many great things to expect in the coming months.
- 99562264 DEL
- Moosycakes
Have stuff to say, but don't know how to say it?
- Moosycakes
- Moosycakes
What do you think about the new chat update?
- Moosycakes
- Moosycakes
Here are the favourite clubs of a few dolls - check them out!
- Moosycakes
- Vintage_Freek
Understanding and respecting perspective is key.
- Vintage_Freek
- tashychuckles
Time changes things, especially how we talk and act in society.
- tashychuckles
- pinklilou27
Je viens de passer sur le livre d'or de noemie.stardoll et, franchement, ce que j'ai vu me dépasse complètement !!
- pinklilou27