News & Culture
Stardoll Admin
- Time for the Wednesday Horoscope! This week: Sagittarius.
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Take a look at rosieDawn's amazing Suite! Each room is packed with interesting design and creativity, and going through her Suite is like taking a journey.
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- The very talented maria-0077 has been in touch with her latest collection - check it out!
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- Check out the second part of HUNKYDORYs Stardoll diary!
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The journey from a beginner at Stardoll to an intern at Stardoll HQ
- Here's a quick post on 2 chic star coin outfits!
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This week, we've had the pleasure of welcoming Swedish stardoll Hunkydorys to Stardoll HQ here in Stockholm. We were curios about her week and decided to ask some questions!
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- It is now easier than ever to get the look you want!
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Roxana_412 has one of the cutest Suites we've seen, complete with Puss in Boots made from StarDesign hair!
Stardoll Admin
- This week, find out what the stars have in store for Libra!
Rencontre nos Starbloggeuses
Titre: "Colors Blocks"kitty-chaanel26
Titre: "DIY Relookez vos tongs !"Callie.Stardoll