

Mortal Kiss Weekly Creative Writing Contest Winners

il y a 173 mois

Mortal Kiss The Online Reading Adventure may have ended...
...but Stardoll keeps the Creative Writing Alive!

For some Mortal Kiss Club Members a Black Wolf left a message in their Suites!

Stardoll MK Club members got creative and told us How they went Missing from Winter Mill's ever dwindling Population!

This Week's Winner!:

"...When I woke up, I couldn't remember how I ended up being in the woods all alone. I got up and looked around, trying to remember my name and where I was supposed to be. While I was searching the area, I caught a glimpse of a very fast animal passing through the dense pine trees. The next moment I had fallen down again, the creature was just inches above my face, looking at me with his scary yellow eyes. I was paralysed with fright, but my ears could still hear a conversation between a cold woman voice and a strong voice of a man, who seemed to be very near."

Click the Image to check out more of sunset1454's missing in winter mill entry.

Follow these exciting Tales with a New Winner Every Week On Stardoll!



