Outo lumi Winter Millissä askarruttaa Stardollilaisia!
Viime viikolla Faye kirjoitti blogissaan lumimyrskystä, joka peitti koko kaupungin valkoiseen vaippaansa!
Kysyimme Mortal Kissin lukijoilta:
Kummastuttaako lumi syyskuussa?
Stardollilaiset vastasivat...
i think the snow is creepy we had sum up at my house this yr in april and i got 4 days off school because of it never ever happened b4.
yeah dis snow is freaky!!! wat u get cut off wat will you do then????not to mention the frezzing tempratures!!!!don't forget about the murder people could be in danger if the town gets cut off while theres a maniac on the loose!!!!!!!
Freak snowfalls aren't that freaky to me...But avalanches are! Also, I love the story so far and I can't wait to read more!
Maybe their scientists are playing with the weather and nature again. And something went wrong. Maybe a cover up or haarp.
Epäilemmepä, ettei Winter Millin lumipeite jää ainoaksi kummastuksen aiheeksi! Mitähän seuraavaksi?
Pysy juonessa mukana ja tutustu Winter Millin saloihin!
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