- She sure knows how to make an entrance! Yesterday pop star Cheryl Cole arrive on flight from London at LAX and there were so many photogs trying to snap her, the police had to come and remove them! There were more than 50 paparazzi waiting to capture Cheryl's latest arrival in the USA and they had to be threatened with arrest before they cleared the arrival hall! Cheryl is one popular lady!
- Yksi Lontoon muotiviikon kohokohdista oli Burberryn muotinäytös. Brittimerkki on myös julkkisten suosiossa, ja näytösvieraiden joukossa nähtiinkin mm. Rachel Bilson, Kate Bosworth ja Alexa Chung. Kuka onnistui mielestäsi parhaiten asuvalinnassa?
- Most of the fun fashion comes straight off the street in London this week! All because of Fashion Week, of course, London is the celebrity place to be right now. Stars like Olivia Palermo and Alexa Chung have been rocking looks wherever they go. Enjoy!
- As we told you before, Kelly Osbourne is the latest face of Madonna and Lourdes' "Material Girl" clothing collection. She took over from Taylor Momsen. The first pics of the ad campaign have been released and Kelly looks super pretty. But do you like the ads or are they a bit boring....especially for someone like Kelly who could be so edgy?!
Stardoll Admin
Tiistaina 8. helmikuuta oli "Safer Internet Day". Päivän tarkoituksena on levittää tietoisuutta turvallisemmasta internetin käytöstä etenkin lapsille ja nuorille, ja sitä vietetään vuosittain ympäri maailmaa yli 60 maassa.
Stardollissa päivää vietettiin turvallisuusvisailun merkeissä, ja osallistujia oli yli 140 tuhatta! Ja tässä tulevat oikeat vastaukset...
- Disney star Vanessa Hudgens wore this sexy silver mini dress to a party at the Caesar's Palace in Las Vegas, while wrestler Stacy Keibler wore it a Maxim Magazine party. These girls couldn't be more opposite in looks, style and personality! Who do you think wore this "Pleasure doing business" dress best?
- Just a few days to go til the biggest night in Hollywood! Its Oscar's time this Sunday! We are so excited, especially as some of our favorite stars have been nominated this year! To get you all warmed up and in the mood, here are the nominees for the Best Actress category with links to the movies' they are nominated for. Watch this space for the other nominations too!
- The second bit of our Oscars special! Are you excited yet? We are! Here is the list of supporting actresses nominated for roles. A few newcomers and some old familiar faces too. We are liking Amy Adams for the win and we can't wait to see Helena Bonham Carter's outfit, you know its going to be crazy!
- We have been saying for years Jennifer Aniston needs a change with her hair, its been looking exactly the same for way too long. Finally she has done it! Last night she arrived on the red carpet to promote her latest film "Just go with it" in Spain and wow, half her was gone! She is much blonder too! What do you think of this chopped, long bob for Jen? We are going to be honest. She looks much older, but we still like that she took a risk!
- Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are two of the world's hardest working Hollywood stars. Apart from all their movie projects, they both are also hugely involved in their charity work all around the world. Many have criticized the way Brad and Angie drag their 6 six kids, Maddox Jolie-Pitt, Zahara Jolie-Pitt, Pax Thien Jolie-Pitt, Shiloh Nouvel Jolie-Pitt and twins Viv and Knox around the world with them wherever they go to film or promote their latest movie - well it looks like Brad and Angie have finally decided to listen!Rumor is that they are moving permanently to the villa in France they bought 2 years ago - and get this, Brad's parents are moving as well, to help with the kids! The crazy Brangelina World tour is coming to and end? Or is it really? They seem to make new plans all the time, we can't keep up. We will wait and see if this is for real or just another Brangeloonie dream!
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