As you probably all know by now, the Stardoll Academy is up and running. Basically the Stardoll Academy lets you complete projects in order to get free items, starcoins and even stardollars!
Free items and currency for completing projects!
It's almost the end of december and the winter holidays are coming! Maybe for some of you they already started, but here they didn't start yet.
Well, what will you do in the holidays? Will you stay home? Will you go skiing or what will you do ?
- Yearbooks are the latest add on to stardoll and from what I have seen, are becoming a big success. Yearbooks, as you probably all know, consist of many 'projects' where you are told to buy, design and create certain things in order to complete the task. As a reward for completing the mini project you can stardollars, starpoints, starcoins or even clothes or objects. Some tasks also consist of you voting other members yearbooks - and others voting you. I, and many other members, will vote your yearbook if you vote mine in return. Its just a quick click, and it will hopefully get you back onto the amazing projects you were doing. My personal opinion on the yearbooks is that it may be the best idea stardoll have created since I joined. Below are some opinions from you guys:
To celebrate the new perfume store in starplaza I decided to do a review on what these amazing Marc Jacobs perfumes are like in a real life! Enjoy
- Heipsan! Halusin kirjoittaa välillä vähän muutakin kuin haastattelupostauksia ja mieleeni tuli niinkin huomaamaton asia kuin talvi... Onpas ihanaa kun on jo lumi maassa ennen joulua, eikä tarvitse jouluaamuna pitää peukkuja epätoivoisesti pystyssä, että kyllä se lumi sieltä tulee!
- Tosiaankin! Se on jo ensiviikon maanantaina. Perjantaina alkaa ainakin minulla joululoma, ja heti seuraavana päivänä eräät serkut tulevat meille yöksi... huhuh, kiva siivousurakka odottaa minua...antakaas neuvoja, miten jaksan siivota huoneeni.
A true fashionista knows how to wear a article of clothing over and over again yet makes it look new every time! I've been watching a member's amazing street style this pass week and I feel she deserve some attention for that! Her username is Pink_it, but her real name is Nani. Her outfits look amazing from head to toe, take a look!
I bring you a personal beloved item of mine from Milan Fashion Week Fall 2010, the Prada coat. Yay or nay, fashionistas?
Prada Fall 2010
This post is a featurette of a few different dollies. It's also featuring a few newer items added to Stardoll via the store! I personally bought these items and absolutely love them, and I hope this post inspires you to purchase a few items and create a luxurious look of your own.
Amid Bracelet (as shown on raskalcat5)
Lue myös: "Sisustusta"ekomodel27
Lue myös: "Design-hiukset"Meude33
Lue myös: "Varokaa huijareita!!"__LoVe_AnGeL__27
Lue myös: "Kevätasu ♥"humility25
Lue myös: "Kesäinen meikki"