Toukokuu 2012
- We love fashion and we love inspiring fashionistas. One of our favorites is Olivia Palermo, who basically never wears anything we wouldn't. We've gathered her top 5 summer looks, so click on the pics and get the best inspiration for this summer ever!
- Hollywood celebs are chased by the paparazzi all the time! They can't go anywhere without at least a few cameras following them. But we've spotted a few celebs returning the favor- on the other side of the camera! Click on the pics to see 10 celebs who fancy themselves as photographers!
Photo: Getty Images
When Hedi Slimane’s appointment as Yves Saint Laurent’s new creative director was announced in March, his first designs for the brand were promised to debut in June. That’s still the case—but very few will get to see them so soon. Both the women’s cruise and spring men’s collections will only be shown to buyers—not press, WWD reports, which means most of us will still have to wait a few more months before catching a YSL by Slimane collection. A house spokeswoman called the two collections “transitional”; Slimane, who has been designing in Los Angeles—not Paris, where YSL is based—apparently wants to make his first major statement for the house this fall, with the presentation of the woman’s Spring 2013 collection on the runway during Paris Fashion Week.
- Eva Longoria, Gwyneth Paltrow and Amanda Seyfried have one thing in common- they're all big fans of the cute shorts suit! And even though we don't walk down the red carpet very often (or well, never), we really dig the shorts suit too! It's both androgynous and feminine in the same time, and that's why we love it. Click on the pics and have a closer look on their cool outfits!
- Tänään tuli uudet seiskat tutustumaan kouluumme. Itse siirryn ensivuonna 9 lk, eli viimistä vuotta yläasteella! Mihin aika oikein menee?
- Ollaan jo yli puolenvälin toukokuuta, ja kohta alkakin jo kesäloma! Jippii! :) Itse siirryn ensi syksynä ylä-asteelle, joten kevätjuhlakin tulee olemaan erityinen:) Mutta sitäkin enemmän odotan kesää!
- Milkmaid Braids is a very stylish and simple braid to make. This braid is great for special occasions or if you just wanted a cute hairstyle for school or work. Celebrities also like this style.
- Ajattelin tarttua aiheeseen Tress Upin peruukit. Useat niistä on mielestäni tosi kivoja, mutta osasta en kuitenkaan erityisemmin pidä. Lempparit ostin kuitenkin :)
- Vaikka päivä oli tosi raskas, aamusta iltaan asti tekemistä joka vaati enemmän ja vähemmän mietintämyssyä niin silti tänään on ollut tosi hyvä päivä, koska tein paljon tosi kivoja, mutta pieniä juttuja. Pikku jutut teki päivästä hieman leveämmän hymyn arvoisen.
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