Marraskuu 2011
- We spotted Ugly Betty star America Ferrera leaving the Garrick Theater in London the other day after having performed in the play 'Chicago'. America has been working the theater scene lately, and it seems to be doing her nothing but good! She looked as fresh-faced as ever, and greeted the photographers with a big smile!
- Stailauksien perään on taas kyselty ja täältä pesee :D tällä kertaa vuorossa nuser0071!
- Teen tämmösen homman (kaksi asukokonaisuutta) , ja sinun pitää arvata mikä (käsilaukku, koru, paita) on ilmainen. Voi olla enemmän kuin yksi.
Recently, Decades released some new items. One of those items was a beautiful and vintage silver wig.
What's great about this item, besides the fact that it's pretty, is that it's available in starcoins so non-superstars can buy it as well!
Here's some Stardoll beauties who have found wonderful looks to pair with their new wigs!
- Hold onto your chairs Jedward fans! The mischievous twins have just gotten rid of their signature haircut! They've opted for a short, asymmetrical do' and we for one like it! It makes them look a lot more grown up, and they even seem to have ditched their usual crazy red carpet poses. We're kinda interested in seeing where this road leads. So far, so good.
- Two days ago the music video for Bruno Mars' new Twilight soundtrack “It Will Rain!” hit the web. The music video mainly focuses on a break-up between Bruno and a girl, but it also features glimpses of the Twilight newlyweds Edward and Bella! Yep, you heard right. Robert Pattinson and Bruno Mars together in one steamy video. What on earth are you waiting for? Go watch the video below!
- Sophia Grace is as talented as she is young! Her parents posted a video of her singing Nicki Minaj's hit "Super Bass" and when Ellen Degeneres saw this she called her in immediately to sing at the show. If you haven't seen this clip yet you'd better do it now!
- Celebs like Rihanna, Eva Longoria and Kirsten Dunst have all been spotted in one of the season's biggest trends: menswear! We love how you can make menswear look both feminine and masculine, it's no longer bulky sweaters but chic lines, fabrics, and colors. We love that women are taking over the man's world! It's about time! Click on the pics and check out this hot trend!
- Ei ole mitään ihanempaa tunnetta kuin se, että unelma/-t käyvät toteen! Omani toteutuu; pääsen pitkäaikaisen idolini keikalle: Paul McCartney! ♥
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Lue myös: "Design-hiukset"Meude33
Lue myös: "Varokaa huijareita!!"__LoVe_AnGeL__27
Lue myös: "Kevätasu ♥"humility25
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