Heinäkuu 2011
- Kuten lupasin viime postaukses, teen jonkun meikkiohjeen ja tällä kertaaa hopeisen sellaisen. ^^ Keksin tälläisen kivan meikin joka on hieman haastava, ainakin mulle, mutta nätti.
- Löydän StarBazaarilta nykyään yhtä ja toista, mikä parasta, halvalla!
- Lähes kaikki rakastavat kaneja.
- Pink and her husband Carey Hart are just about the coolest celebrity couple we know! It has not even been two months since they became first-time parents to a baby girl named Willow, and they're already getting their motorcycling on! We spotted them racing through Malibu on top of two huge Harley Davidson motorcycles this weekend. Good for them we say! Knowing when to take a break is essential when raising a baby.
- Stardollissa on nykyään Shake it up -vaatteita, Niille ei ole omaa kauppaa mutta, kun haet esim. Valkoisia tai mustia paitoja yms. Niin ne löytyvät sitten sieltä. Vaatteista osa on supereille ja osa taviksille. Minulle sieltä mukaan tarttui jo eilen nämä vaatteet:
Photo: Getty Images
It seems that Oscar nominations, rigorous academic pursuits, and a major book publication just ain’t enough for this Renaissance man. James Franco, who is either schizophrenic, an overachiever or leisure-phobic (most likely all three), is most recently adding “recording artist” to his already jam-packed CV. Kalup and Franco, a musical collaboration between the multi-talented film star and performance artist Kalup Linzy, released their second track, ‘Turn it Up,’ on July 12. The duo also recently released their first music video for the track ‘Rising.’ Unfortunately for those excited about this fresh batch of James Franco eye-candy, the avant-garde video predominantly features four minutes of a wigged Linzy crooning on top of psychedelic visuals. If you’re curious, check it out here, but don’t say we didn’t warn you. Polyester wigs and trippy visuals aside, the tracks, released on Dutty Artz (yes, this is a real record label) are not half bad.
- We spotted a heavily pregnant Tori Spelling take her kids Stella and Liam out for slushies in Los Angeles this past Friday. The trio seemed to be enjoying the warm weather + ice cold drinks combo and were later joined by dad/husband Dean McDermott for some shopping at Kitson!
Photo: Retna
Crossovers are not uncommon in the entertainment industry. We’ve seen singing sensations like Justin Timberlake and Beyonce successfully merge onto the acting scene. And we’ve seen actors and actresses dabble in singing careers (Zooey Deschanel, Scarlett Johansson, and Selena Gomez to name a few). It seems there’s a new sensation on the rise though, and that’s the transition from the catwalk to Boardwalk. Models are trying their hand at this part of showbiz and doing quite well.
- Väsäsin äsken syysasut supereille ja taviksille. (-
- Kaupoissa on todella paljon erivärisiä ja -merkkisiä kynsilakkoja. Jotkut lakat ovat halpoja mutta ne ei vät välttämättä kestä paria päivää pidempää hienon näköisinä. Siksi hyvään kynsilakkaan kannattaa panostaa.
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