Heinäkuu 2011
Photo: Mert & Marcus for Tom Ford
The spring summer season is over two months away (thank goodness), but the British Fashion Council released their “provisional” show schedule yesterday and there’s one name that’s popped out: Tom Ford. Three seasons in to his re-born womenswear career the fashion world still waits with bated breath for his next move. After a star studded debut in New York and an intimate presentation in London, he’s chosen the latter for his spring summer 2012 collection. He’ll show at 6PM on Sunday, September 18th. Mulberry‘s also on the LFW schedule for the second season in a row. The brand used to stage small presentations on repeat throughout the day in both London and New York, but given their success they’ve earned a fairytale runway show, or two. And if you’re going to make it to just one day of London Fashion Week, make it September 19th—Christopher Kane, Erdem, Burberry and Giles will all debut their new collections that Monday.
- Dzién dobry sinne kotoisaan Suomeen :)
Tälläkertaa postailen Puolalaisesta, täpötäydestä junasta.
Kesälomaa on enään noin 1kk jäljellä ::[[[
Mutta ennen sen loppumista kerrotaan kaikki omasta kesälomasta♥
- Taas, hieman piristellään tylsähtävää asua. Tämä on tuttu juttu, right?
Sarah Jessica Parker and Havey Weinstein at the Cannes Film Festival. Photo: Getty Images
If the money, the CEO, the president, and the famous face leave a brand, can it survive? Marios Schwab is the only semi-recognizable name left at Halston and despite his talent, the storied 70s brand may be worse off than ever. Earlier this week it was discovered that Sarah Jessica Parker had left Halston a few months ago. She’d been the President and Chief Creative Officer for about a year and successfully woven the brand into the second Sex and the City movie. Now, just a few days later, comes word that Harvey Weinstein’s left. It was only when he joined the brand, in 2007, that people started to pay attention—thanks to both his Hollywood and fashion connections (he’s married to Marchesa’s Georgina Chapman). He recruited Rachel Zoe and Jimmy Choo’s Tamara Mellon to consult before landing on Parker and designer Marios Schwab. In spite of all the losses, it sounds like the brand’s parent company Hilco is determined to keep going. WWD reports that Halston’s actually done quite well at retail (thanks in huge part to Parker) and Hilco’s just invested $7.5 million in new capital.
- Color themes! That's why I love this week's Dream Suite!
Bold colors are so hot this season, and Polish Stardoller malgosia245 puts a color pow! in each Suite room. I love the fierce mix of animal print and orange, and the cool combo of brown and icy blue.
Check out some more of malgosia245's rooms below, and then check out the real suite!
- Tänä kesänä kaupoissa on ollut laaja valikoima erilaisia shortsipukuja!
- Jäätelö kuuluu kesään ja eilen satuin hyvän jäätelöannoksen itselleni tekemään ja satuin räpsäsemään muutaman kuvankin!
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